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Getting your textbook... Where? Algoritam store, Gajeva Str. When? Now? Or in a week or two Using your textbook...... in class from 27 October (or so)

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Presentation on theme: "Getting your textbook... Where? Algoritam store, Gajeva Str. When? Now? Or in a week or two Using your textbook...... in class from 27 October (or so)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting your textbook... Where? Algoritam store, Gajeva Str. When? Now? Or in a week or two Using your textbook...... in class from 27 October (or so)

2 No classes on Friday, 24 Oct for group 5 Make up class (90 min – for all) Wed, 29 Oct, 12.00, LH 3

3 Schedule for the next week Group 5 27 Oct, Monday, 10.00 – Lecture 29 Oct, Wednesday, 12.00 – make up class 31 0ct, Friday, 12.00 & 14.00 seminars

4 Language skills

5 Written reports, letters, essays, memos, notes... Spoken presentations, small talk, meetings, negotiations

6 PRESENTING Terri Sjodin on You Tube Persuasive and effective communicators Examples of great speakers? What was great about them? Can you explain: savvy?

7 DISCUSS your personal experience: a)Giving a presentation b)Listening to a presentation 1 Speaking too long 2 Speaker-centered / No relationship with the audience 3 Speaking in a monotone 4 Lack of preparation / Focus 5 Projecting the wrong image 6 Using visual aids ineffectively 7 Data Dump / Starting with detail 8 Using inappropriate humor 9 Offering weak evidence 10 Not knowing the audience

8 Top ten mistakes speakers make 1 Lack of preparation / Focus 2 Speaking too long 3 Not knowing the audience 4 Projecting the wrong image 5 Using visual aids ineffectively 6 Data Dump / Starting with detail 7 Using inappropriate humor 8 Speaking in a monotone 9 Speaker-centered / No relationship with the audience 10 Offering weak evidence

9 Presentations: sales presentations talks at conferences lectures board meetings... Elements of presentations: -preparation -delivery  RB, p 80 (HW: Read and make notes, p 81)

10 Preparation -purposeWHY? -audienceTO WHOM? -content WHAT? -brainstorming, research -selection -grouping, sequencing, organisation -structure HOW? -(intro, body, conclusion) - visuals -REHEARSING

11 Preparation: content (what?) Preparing your opener and your close Good examples What data / strategy are they using to keep their listeners focused? SpeakerOpenerClose 1 (blue tie)% 2 (curly F) 3 (bearded M) 4 (blond F)%

12 Preparation: content (what?) Preparing your opener and your close Good examples SpeakerOpenerClose 1 invoking neg. images & facts % 2 Branson & Virgin - R&D cannot be incentivised - find new ways! 3 power of teams- proverb - predictable ;) 4 winning %

13 Preparation: content (what?) Preparing the main part 1.writing an essay vs. identifying key points 2.reading aloud vs. making notes 3.key points vs. reorganizing 4.notes on cards 5.rehearsing from notesDANGERS: Learning by heart Formal language Long sentences & words MORE NATURAL Requires discipline, self-assurance & patience

14 Presentation structure (how?) A rule of thumb is...... tell your audience what you are going to say, say it, then tell the audience what you have said.

15 Structure Introduction –welcome your audience –introduce your subject –outline your structure –give instructions about questions Body –the “real” presentation (structure, signalling, summarising) Conclusion –recap, conclude, end, handle questions  RB, p 82 Example:

16 HW: Read p 80 and make notes on p 81 Watch the example presentation and Try answering the following questions: Why is this an effective presentation? Structure What makes it easy to follow? Intro? Body? Conclusion?

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