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NOTE MAKING Who is the end-user? What is the purpose? (report, meeting, presentation)

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Presentation on theme: "NOTE MAKING Who is the end-user? What is the purpose? (report, meeting, presentation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE MAKING Who is the end-user? What is the purpose? (report, meeting, presentation)

2 LISTENING Active involvement Active involvement Slow/quick speaker Slow/quick speaker Organised/disorganised Organised/disorganised LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS USE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN IDEAS WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHY? HOW?

3 READING SKIM /get the rough idea of the content SKIM /get the rough idea of the content SCAN /underline the key words/phrases SCAN /underline the key words/phrases LOCATE headings, subheadings, topic LOCATE headings, subheadings, topic sentences sentences

4 ACADEMIC PARAGRAPH Main Parts: 1. Topic Sentence - (TS) 2. Supporting Sentences (main points) – (SS) 3. Concluding Sentence – (CS) TS + SS + SS +SS….+ CS TS + SS + SS +SS….+ CS

5 0utline of an Academic Paragraph THE TOPIC SENTENCE - the first sentence of the paragraph - introduces the main points (usually 3) - introduces the main points (usually 3) THE FIRST MAIN POINT - presents the first point mentioned - details – support the first point - details – support the first point THE SECOND MAIN POINT - refers to the second point mentioned - details – support the second point - details – support the second point THE THIRD MAIN POINT - refers to the third point mentioned - details – support to the third point - details – support to the third point THE CONCLUDING SENTENCE – summarizes the points

6 THE OUTLINE FORMAT Major Topic Main Idea DetailDetailExampleConclusion

7 NOTE TAKING SKIM – rough idea (title, pictures, introd.) SKIM – rough idea (title, pictures, introd.) SCAN – underline the main points SCAN – underline the main points GROUP PARAGRAPHS GROUP PARAGRAPHS GIVE HEADINGS/SUBHEADINGS GIVE HEADINGS/SUBHEADINGS ESTABLISH LOGICAL RELATIONS ESTABLISH LOGICAL RELATIONS Letters, numbers, italics Letters, numbers, italics

8 SIGNALLING Illustrations/examples (for example, for instance, as an example...., to illustrate the point...(e.g.) Illustrations/examples (for example, for instance, as an example...., to illustrate the point...(e.g.) Giving another argument/example (There are three reasons why...First,...Firstly..., Secondly... Thirdly,...Further, Furthermore, Moreover, Also... Giving another argument/example (There are three reasons why...First,...Firstly..., Secondly... Thirdly,...Further, Furthermore, Moreover, Also...

9 Clarifying /In other words,...i.e.... Clarifying /In other words,...i.e.... Cause-effect relationship/reasons (as, because, because of, consequently, therefore, due to, owing to, thus, since Cause-effect relationship/reasons (as, because, because of, consequently, therefore, due to, owing to, thus, since Contrast (however, on the contrary, on the other hand, nevertheless, although, though (vs.) Contrast (however, on the contrary, on the other hand, nevertheless, although, though (vs.)

10 Conclusion (Therefore, In conclusion, As a result, Finally, In summary, From this we see...) Conclusion (Therefore, In conclusion, As a result, Finally, In summary, From this we see...) Special signals (Now this is important, Remember that, The important idea is, The basic concept here is...) Special signals (Now this is important, Remember that, The important idea is, The basic concept here is...)

11 LEARNING LOG 1. Find key words for your topic 2. Make a Mind Map 3. Make a summary on the topic

12 Mind Mapping Study the ways how to make mind maps and take notes. Study the ways how to make mind maps and take notes. Practice doing it! Practice doing it!

13 Writing a Paragraph Study the video clips from YouTube on paragraphing: How to Write a Summary: HW: RB – pp: 12 - Make a summary on the text: Why economics?

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