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Technology Proposal Created and designed by Wendi Callaway For Etec 579 and Terrell High School June 24, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Proposal Created and designed by Wendi Callaway For Etec 579 and Terrell High School June 24, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Proposal Created and designed by Wendi Callaway For Etec 579 and Terrell High School June 24, 2002

2 Mission Statement The Terrell High School Fine Arts department, in conjunction with TISD, believes that technology can assist the Fine Arts department in preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world.

3 Technology Can provide the following: –Reinforcement of basic artistic skills –Ways to integrate digital media with various subject areas –Increased student ability to function in society –Raise scores on standardized tests –Provide enrichment for teachers, students and the community.

4 Goal 1 Enhance the quality of instruction in the individual Fine Arts classes as well as other classes who opt to use the lab, by ensuring that all personnel have access to the technology sources.

5 Goal 2 Enhance the quality of instruction by ensuring that software purchases and upgrades can be integrated into the learning environment, in multiple ways.

6 Goal 3 The Fine arts department will secure and protect TISD’s in technology resources.

7 Goal 4 Enhance the staff development program to ensure effective use of emerging technologies with emphasis on instructional applications.

8 Goal 5 Provide several opportunities to develop parent and community awareness of the instructional and production technology resources in the Fine Arts department –by conducting workshops –by publicizing student use of technology

9 Budget Summary Budget schedule TIF FundsLocal fundsTotal A. Contractual services $19,000 B. Supplies and Materials $18,000$2,000$20,000 C. Equipment $39,700$7,000$46,700 Total direct expenses $76,700$9,000$85,700

10 Budget—Schedule B Twenty percent of the total funds will be used for staff development. Training will be conducted through Region 10 ESC at a cost of $19,000.

11 Budget—Schedule D The purchase of software will total a cost of $20,000, and will consist of the following: –Operating System license--$1,050.00 –Web Server--$2,800.00 –Anti-virus—$240.00 –Application software--$13,910.00

12 Application Software This cost will include the following software applications: –Novanet –Adobe products—PhotoShop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, PageMaker –HyperStudio 4 –AutoCad 2000i –Corel Draw! 10 –Macromedia products--Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash

13 Budget—Schedule E Necessary Network hardware will include: –2 hubs –4 network drops –1 file server –1 fiber optics –24 patch cables The cost of these will total $3,848.00.

14 Additional hardware Additional hardware will include the following: –1 Smart Board –1 Video Production Lab The total cost for these $11,500.00, $7,000.00 of which is being secured by local funds.

15 Computer hardware Computer hardware to be purchased will consist of the following: –5 CD burners –18 PC workstations –2 Laptops –15 Zip drives These will cost a total of $22,452.00.

16 Other equipment Other equipment to be purchased will consist of the following: –2 digital cameras –2 flatbed scanners –2 Network printers –1 presentation monitor –1 projector –1 digital camcorder

17 Other equipment continued –2 televisions –2 VCRs –20 Sensiva drawing pads The total cost of this equipment will be $8,900.00. All of the equipment together will total $46,700, which includes $7,000.oo in local funds.

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