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Pegboard Toy… ***You will need your Binder today!***

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Presentation on theme: "Pegboard Toy… ***You will need your Binder today!***"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pegboard Toy… ***You will need your Binder today!***

2 Congratulations! O Your work on the Sketch Plane Cube has not gone unnoticed, and now Mr. Open-Ender (from the Do-Right Box company) wants you to work on his new idea… …the Pegboard Toy

3 Pegboard Toy O Please begin by copying the following plans onto a piece of paper…


5 Pegboard

6 Sides!

7 End to your pegboard 1.Draw 2.Extrude 3.Save.75” wide.375” cut out

8 Pegboard Toy O Finish the assembly and making the sides today. O If you are done early, read the directions for “Pegboard Toy” found in your binder, and move on to the next step.

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