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Mauryan & Gupta Empires

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1 Mauryan & Gupta Empires
Kieran Short

2 Mauryan Beginnings Chandragupta Maurya (top 3 classes) gained control of the Magadha (influential area) and eventually expanded into India’s 1st empire After fall of Greek Empire (death of Alexander the Great) – Maurya was able to extend control over most of the subcontinent

3 Mauryan Empire Arthashastra – guide to political success, written by Brahmin guide of Chandragupta – advocates mandala or foreign policy theory One fourth of value of harvest given to king/government – king used family & friends to manage administration districts Capital is Pataliputra (modern Patna) governed by 6 committees, international connections

4 Ashoka & Beyond Chandragupta grandson – greatly extended the empire but at high human cost, he was upset by this so he converted to Buddhism and strict nonviolence & morality first deciphered Indian writing, Edicts of Ashoka Mauryan collapsed 184 BCE – next 500 yrs characterized by fragmentation


6 Next 500 Years… Foreigners dominated the Northwest & even extended into the east and south at times – Greeks, Iranians and Chinese Although fragmented, still signs of social, intellectual and economic development last BCE greatest Indian epics (Ramayana & Mahabharata) finalized – reflect Vedic Age Bhagavad-Gita resolve issue between duty to society and to yourself Science = herbal remedies, Writing system = Sanskrit

7 Gupta Empire CE Similar to/modeled after Mauryan grew out of Magadha, founder named Chandra Gupta (but he stole it), capital Pataliaputra Never controlled as much land as Mauryan but able to rack up some serious territory Economic navigated important trade routes, agriculture, control of iron deposits, required 25% tax (like Maur)

8 Gupta Government Not as effective as a centralized government outside the core – governors (often times corrupt and greedy) pretty much allowed free reign on how the administered their regions Theatre –State tried to persuade outside areas to follow their lead by having elaborate ceremonies and rituals, wanted to attract with the allure of court life

9 Gupta Stuff Intellectual math & astronomy developments, most importantly – the concept of zero Women declining status because of urbanization and complex social & political organizations – essentially treated as Shudras (lowest class) Loss right to inherit property Married at a very young age, like 6-7 Expected to cremate themselves upon death of husband, if not basically died a social death and were cast out Some hope for women joined with Buddhists or Jainist, upper class women could study

10 Gupta Gupta = Hindus – reemergence of the Caste system
Era of religious tolerance Continued thriving commercial connections – used coined money, traded with southeast and east Asia (India heavily influenced these areas)


12 Gupta Fall Down Late 5th century – pressure from the Huns of Central Asia Defense campaigns cost a lot of money and eventually bled the treasury dry Empire collapse 550 CE

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