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OCTOBER 5, 2015 BLOGGING WORKSHOP. TOPICS Platforms Pros and Cons Blogging Tips Good Blogs Bad Blogs Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "OCTOBER 5, 2015 BLOGGING WORKSHOP. TOPICS Platforms Pros and Cons Blogging Tips Good Blogs Bad Blogs Resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 TOPICS Platforms Pros and Cons Blogging Tips Good Blogs Bad Blogs Resources

3 FREE BLOGGING PLATFORMS Wordpress Tumblr Blogger Weebly Rising popularity Wix

4 WORDPRESS.COM PROS Popular Forums Versatility Free Built in search function Facilitates SEO CONS Options overwhelming Free = limited Search is limited More technical SEO tasks are not automated

5 OTHER PLATFORMS Tumblr Easy to use Micro-blogging Popular among younger bloggers Weebly Website creation Phone app for ease of use and on-the-go uploads Wix Purely a drag and drop build system Free = advertisements Blogger Simple set-up Drag and drop functionality for easy customization

6 HOW TO WRITE A TERRIBLE BLOG POST 1. Write a boring, non-descript headline 2. Write for someone other than your target audience 3. Have nothing remarkable or helpful to say 4. Format your post as one large block of text 5. Make sure to include ZERO in-text links 6. Make no mention, or links, to your sources 7. Fail to include a call-to-action 8. Forget everything you’ve ever learned about grammar and spelling 9. Disable social media sharing links and comments

7 EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW Teacher teaching blogging! Student showcasing their work

8 EXAMPLES TO AVOID Design Failure Content Failure

9 RESOURCES Beginner’s Guide to WordPress WordPress Workshops Blog Layout Tips From A Blogger Tips For Tumblr Other Blogging Platforms and Reviews

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