English 11 Journal 9.4.13 Create a person you think would be attracted to Alaska. List the person’s characteristics (profession, age, gender, family background).

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Presentation on theme: "English 11 Journal 9.4.13 Create a person you think would be attracted to Alaska. List the person’s characteristics (profession, age, gender, family background)."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 11 Journal 9.4.13 Create a person you think would be attracted to Alaska. List the person’s characteristics (profession, age, gender, family background). Write a paragraph (5-6 sentences) in which the person tells his or her story about moving to or visiting Alaska and explains the fascination about it. *Take 15 minutes to respond. If you have your journal, put it in the bin once you are finished writing. If you don’t have a journal, loose leaf is fine for now. Record homework in your agenda. If you have it, place signed syllabus slip in the aqua tray on my desk. I will check for binders/folders on Friday.

2 English 11 Journal 9.5.13 A number of books and articles have been written, and movies have been produced that epitomize the mental and/or emotional struggles, sacrifices, and challenges faced by people who find it overwhelming, disagreeable, or stifling to conform to the conventional rules of life. Many characters are depicted as such because they add interest to a story, and many authors capitalize on the idiosyncrasies of inventive minds simply to write novels. Using the following categories:1) science, 2) technology, 3) philosophy/religion, 4) art, and 5) music, identify at least one character from a movie you have seen or a book you have read, or a person in history who is an outsider/ eccentric character. (i.e. science: Dr. Frankenstein) Provide your reason for each.

3 English 11 Journal9.9.13 Chapter 3 of Into the Wild is written in third person and introduces Wayne Westerberg, who owns a grain business in Carthage, South Dakota. The chapter also gives biographical background on Chris McCandless. Rewrite a paragraph from Chapter 3 from the first person point of view of Wayne Westerberg OR from the first person point of view of Chris McCandless.

4 English 11 Journal 9.12.2013 Chapter Six begins with a passage written by the writer Henry David Thoreau and highlighted by Chris McCandless. Thoreau was part of a literary and philosophical movement called Transcendentalism, which started in New England in the nineteenth century and supports: self reliance, the individual over society, and one’s connection with nature. Copy and complete the following statements: 1. I get most of my knowledge from a) books/ others or b) experiences 2. I believe the government’s should be a) powerful or b) limited 3. When walking through the park, I feel a) aware or b) comfortable 4. Titles and positions of power are… a) important or b) unimportant 5. Decisions should be made by… a) groups or b) individuals

5 English 11 Journal 9.17.13 In Chapter 8, Krakauer notes some of the responses that his original piece about Chris McCandless in the magazine Outside received. Most people regard McCandless with derision, stating that he was self-absorbed and irresponsible. To see McCandless from another person’s perspective, choose one of the following individuals and consider how that person’s situation would influence his or her opinion. Then, write a one paragraph letter to the editor of Outside magazine from that person that states his or her opinion of McCandless. In your letter, the person must identify him/herself, his/her opinion, information from the novel that supports his/her opinion, and a closing statement. Choose one of the following people: *an experienced wilderness guide and mountain climber *a parent whose son or daughter is on active military duty *a successful inventor who followed his or her own path to success DO NOT PUT YOUR JOURNAL AWAY YET.

6 English 11 Journal 9.19.13 Take on the role of Billie or Carine McCandless. Using your own words, but staying true to the characteristics provided in the text, describe the anguish and confusion you feel over the death of your son/ brother. Respond in a paragraph.

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