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WRITING IN CONTEXT Creating and Presenting. What you need to do:  Your task is to develop your writing skills so that you can create a number of short.

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Presentation on theme: "WRITING IN CONTEXT Creating and Presenting. What you need to do:  Your task is to develop your writing skills so that you can create a number of short."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRITING IN CONTEXT Creating and Presenting

2 What you need to do:  Your task is to develop your writing skills so that you can create a number of short pieces.  You will be writing about ideas on ‘Identity and Belonging’.  Your ideas should also be formed by how this context is explored through the film “Freedom Writers.”  Your writing must respond to the written prompt provided. For your homework tasks, you may choose any of the sample prompts on Page 49 of the resource book

3 What you need to do  You must write at least one piece in each of the following styles:  Expository Writing  Persuasive Writing  With recommendation – imaginative writing  You will be assessed on:  The quality of your ideas about “Identity and Belonging”  The quality of your writing  How well you respond to the prompt.

4 Form, Audience and Purpose  Before writing, you must decide the form, audience and purpose of your writing. (Insight p.133-136)  Form: You must decide the specific form your piece will take. (See p. 97)  Audience: who are you writing for? Describe your audience. (See p. 132)  Is it your peers or another age group?  Is it a similar audience to the set text?  Is it a specific audience or interest group?  The audience dictates your style of writing. E.g. Formal, informal, technical, simple, flowery etc.

5 Form, Audience and Purpose  Purpose: Why are you writing?  What do you want to achieve in this piece?  What effect do you want to have on your readers?  What do you want to communicate about yourself or your topic?  See page. 132

6 Imaginative Writing  Purpose:  Imaginative writing is any writing where you develop and build on fictional ideas.  Imaginative writing aims to entertain, describe, reflect on and explore ideas.  (See p. 103-107;141 – 144 Insight)

7 Imaginative Writing  Forms include:  A short story / narrative  A scene or vignette that could add to the text you study.  A dialogue between two characters  A monologue (one character)  Diary entries  Letters  Prologue (before the story)/Epilogue (after)  Script  Interview (of fictional characters)  News report (of fictional events/people)

8 Imaginative Writing  Language and structure  The language you choose is greatly varied and depends on the form, structure and purpose.  If your writing has a direct link to the text, your language should reflect that used by the author and/or the characters.  Imaginative writing is descriptive and figurative (metaphor, simile, personification).  You must structure your piece to reflect the chosen form (e.g. Letter, diary entry)  plot conventions; dialogue; narrative viewpoint all need to be considered.

9 Imaginative Writing  Your writing could directly build on the text. Such as:  Additional diary entries of a character  Letters written by other characters (using similar language and structures)  A narrative told from another character’s perspective  Gaps and Silences: what isn’t told in the story? What happened beforehand, afterwards, while other things were happening.  Other ideas?

10 Imaginative Writing  Your writing might also be an original piece that does not directly build on the novel/film (but makes a number of clear links and parallels):  Use a different setting, characters, plot  Tell a story of another individual whose point of view is not often heard or who struggles to fit into “normal” society.  Tell the story of other ways an individual forms their identity and the factors which influence/inhibit them.  Consider different forms of identity in different contexts.  This type of writing must not simply retell the same story in a different setting, it needs to have unique insights.  You must have a recommendation from your teacher to write in an imaginative style for the SAC.

11 Responding to the Prompt  We cannot achieve a strong sense of identity unless we also have a strong sense of belonging to something other than ourselves.  Break down the prompt  What is it asking?  Is there more than one part to the question?  What are the key terms?  What different ways could you respond?  What ideas about “Identity and Belonging” does the prompt suggest you should discuss?  Concept Map

12 Persuasive Writing  Writing that persuades the reader to accept the writer’s viewpoint. (Insight pp. 98-100; 136-141)  Purpose: to persuade; argue; rebut; encourage action; inspire; sell;  Form: argumentative essay; letter to the editor; dialogue between two opposing views; editorial; opinion article, speech etc  Language: tone can vary; identifiable arguments with evidence; clear contention; persuasive language and strategies.

13 Persuasive Writing  Structure - differs depending on form but for an essay, opinion article or speech:  Intro: grab the reader’s attention with a shock statement, anecdote, attack etc.  Intro: clearly state the contention in the introduction and signpost main arguments.  Body: one reason per paragraph to support your contention. Use a variety of persuasive language techniques.  Body: last body paragraph should be a rebuttal of opposing views.  Conclusion: strong restatement of argument. Challenge the audience. Suggest solutions.

14 Responding to the Prompt  Our sense of identity and where we belong is given to us from birth.  Break down the prompt as previously done  How could you turn this prompt into a persuasive contention?  What reasons would you give for your contention?

15 Expository Writing  Expository writing explores different aspects of an idea. It “exposes” an idea. (Insight pp. 100-103; 136-141)  Purpose: to explain; explore; analyse; compare; inform  Forms:  a standard essay;  news article; feature article; articles for magazines  research report;  Reflection, memoir, personal experiences.  Interview  Reviews  Blog entries/websites

16 Expository Writing  Language:  often formal;  third person, though first person could be used if it fits the purpose,  lots of detail  Uses anecdotes to engage the audience as well as facts, examples.  Draws on knowledge beyond the text.  Lively and varied to keep the reader’s interest.

17 Responding to the Prompt  A strong sense of identity should enable us to embrace difference.  Break down the prompt as previously done  What ideas from the text will you draw on?  What broader ideas about the context will you research and include in your writing?  How would you link these ideas together?

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