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Introduction to Animals. Characteristics of Animals All multicellular Eukaryotes Digest internally Store food reserves in the liver as GLYCOGEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Animals. Characteristics of Animals All multicellular Eukaryotes Digest internally Store food reserves in the liver as GLYCOGEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Animals

2 Characteristics of Animals All multicellular Eukaryotes Digest internally Store food reserves in the liver as GLYCOGEN

3 Support Systems Endoskeleton v. Exoskeleton Vertebrate v. Invertebrate

4 Insects Feeding/Digestion – feed on plants Circulation/Respiration/ Excretion – tracheae Reproduction

5 Annelid Worms Structure/Movement - segmentation Feeding/Digestion Circulation – closed circulatory system Respiration/Excretion – no specialized respiratory organs Reproduction - hermaphrodites

6 Amphibians Respiration/Protection – skin Regulation – live in wet environments Excretion – kidney main organ Reproduction – metamorphosis

7 Mammals Endothermic - metabolism Circulatory System - heart Respiration – lungs and diaphragm Feeding/Digestion – chewing Reproduction - sexual

8 Animal Behavior

9 Behavior “is a way that organisms respond to a stimulus” Two Types a. Learned b. Innate

10 Learned Behavior Learning how to respond to a stimuli, usually by observation or trial and error A. Imprinting – behavior learned at a extremely young age B. Habituation – animal learns to ignore what should be a dangerous stimulus C. Conditioning – learned response to previously neutral stimulus (Pavlov)

11 Imprinting

12 Habituation

13 Innate Behavior Born with it A. instincts B. caused by genetics

14 Other behaviors Phermones a. chemical released by an affect b. affects behavior of another animal of same species Taxis a. innate behavioral response to a stimulus ex) phototaxis *moth flies towards the light (+) *roach moves away from light (-)

15 Biological Rhythms “innate behavior which occurs in cycles” Circadian Rhythms – occurs in 24hr cycles A. nocturnal B. dinural C. biological clock

16 Hibernation – period of reduced metabolism that allows animals to survive bad conditions (cold months) A. estivation – really deep sleep (warm months)

17 Annual Rhythms – yearly cycle A. Plant Cycles 1. annual plants 2. biennial plants 3. perrineal plants

18 Migrating Rhythms – entire population moves

19 Tidal Rhythms – associated with tides a. occurs in 12 hr cycles b. most lunged animals move at high tide

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