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Plural and Singular Nouns Project LA Activity Plural Nouns  A plural form of a noun names more than one. It usually ends with s or es.

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2 Plural and Singular Nouns Project LA Activity

3 Plural Nouns  A plural form of a noun names more than one. It usually ends with s or es.

4 Write P if the noun below is plural. Write S if the noun below is singular. 1. houses 2. baby 3. church 4. tables 5. books 6. bus ANSWERS

5 Write P if the noun below is plural. Write S if the noun below is singular. 1. Houses P 2. baby S 3. church S 4. tables P 5. books P 6. bus S

6 Add es to make nouns plural that end with:  s busesbuses  x taxestaxes  ch benchesbenches  sh dishesdishes

7 Add ies to make nouns plural that end with a consonant and a y:  lady ladiesladies  fry friesfries

8 Some nouns that end in f or fe change to ves when made plural:  calf calvescalves  knife knivesknives

9 Some nouns that end in o change to es when made plural. Some change to s:  kangaroo kangarooskangaroos  potato potatoespotatoes

10 Some nouns do not change at all when made plural:  sheep SheepSheep  fish  deer deerdeer

11 Some nouns become a new word when made plural:  man menmen  goose geesegeese

12 Can you make these nouns plural? 1. half 2. foot 3. piano 4. spy 5. brush ANSWERS

13 Can you make these nouns plural? 1. halves 2. feet 3. pianos 4. spies 5. brushes

14 Can you make these nouns plural? 1. mouse 2. memo 3. shelf 4. leaf 5. child ANSWERS

15 Can you make these nouns plural? 1. mice 2. memos 3. shelves 4. leaves 5. children

16 Can you make these nouns plural? 1. thief 2. woman 3. fish 4. photo 5. die ANSWERS

17 Can you make these nouns plural? 1. thieves 2. women 3. fish 4. photos 5. dice

18 singularirregular plural Foot (pie)feet Tooth (diente)teeth Man (hombre)Men Woman (mujer)Women Child (niño/a)children Person (persona)people Shelf (estantería)Shelves Thief (ladrón)Thieves Wolf (lobo)Wolves Knife (cuchillo)knives

19  number: singular/ plural. Irregular plural (feet, shelves)  Look at the following examples:  cat cats puppy puppies glass glasses foot feet  Most words in English add -s to refer to a quantity of two or more. However, there are some important rules:  Regular plural:  You just add -s to the word,  Example:  girl girls boy boys  but be careful in these cases!  Words that end in 'ch', 'o', 's' 'sh', 'x'. In this case you add -es to the word.  Examples:  bench benches tomato tomatoes bus buses brush brushes box boxes  2. Words that end in consonant + -y add -ies  baby babies lady ladies But not: Day days  Irregular Plural  In this case, words change completely and you have to learn them by heart! They are very old English words. These are some of them:  singularirregular pluralFoot (pie)feetTooth (diente)teethMan (hombre)MenWoman (mujer)WomenChild (niño/a)childrenPerson (persona)peopleShelf (estantería)ShelvesThief (ladrón)ThievesWolf (lobo)WolvesKnife (cuchillo)knives  Yes but:  Some words ending in -o simply take the -s plural ending.  Examples: disco discos kilo kilos

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