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Volunteer Orientation. For legal reasons, we do not accept stray animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Orientation. For legal reasons, we do not accept stray animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Orientation



4 For legal reasons, we do not accept stray animals


6 What happens to animals once they are accepted here? They will have a complete examination, appropriate tests, vaccinations and treatments. All animals will be spayed or neutered prior to adoption.

7 Adoption Promotion Locally, our volunteers work very hard to promote our facility and our animal guests. We often participate in community events, festivals and mobile adoption booths in Franklin and the surrounding counties. We want to expose our guests to the public as much as possible. Our best tool to promote adoption is the website, All of our adoptable pets are featured on this website. This allows local adopters as well as nationwide adopters access to photos and information about our guests. Our best tool to promote adoption is the website, All of our adoptable pets are featured on this website. This allows local adopters as well as nationwide adopters access to photos and information about our guests.

8 Adoption Process 1. Potential adopter completes application for animal they wish to adopt 2. Adoption counselor evaluates the application and arranges meeting with guest 3. If the counselor deems the adopters and animal as a good match, application is approved 4. Adopter arrives to pick up new pet 5. One week later, counselor will call to verify that the adoption is successful.

9 Adoption notes… If an adoption is not successful, the animal should be returned to the L.I.F.E House. An adoption fee will be assessed Our adoption fee is $49.95. In most cases, this does not cover the expenses incurred by the LIFE House while caring for this animal. We choose to keep the fee low so that we can adopt out as many animals as possible and in turn, make room to rescue more animals. All adopters must complete an application and be approved. We do not do same day adoptions We aren’t simply focused on adopting out the most animals, we want them to go to the best homes possible.

10 Volunteer Responsibilities As a volunteer, you represent the L.I.F.E. House. Please provide the best customer service possible when interacting with the public. Also, please dress comfortably and appropriately. Please do not leave personal items unattended or on site. The L.I.F.E. House cannot be responsible for items lost, stolen, chewed or eaten. Please do not leave personal items unattended or on site. The L.I.F.E. House cannot be responsible for items lost, stolen, chewed or eaten.

11 Animal Management If a guest has given you a reason to feel uneasy or threatened when caring for them, leave them alone and inform your area coordinator. A very sweet animal can become a little aggressive when put in an uneasy situation. Harnesses are required when taking a dog outside the facility. Harnesses and leashes can be easily found on both floors of the building.

12 Controlling the spread of illness or disease at the facility Guests who are in “intake” are quarantined to check for illness or disease before joining the general population. They should never socialize with other guests however they should be leashed up and given potty breaks outdoors. If you have a guest in your care than has “pottied” in the facility, please remember to not only clean it, but sanitize it with bleach solution. This is imperative to not spread illness through the facility. The bleach solution can be found at the front desk, or in any of the cleaning storage areas. Wash and/or sanitize your hands often!

13 Please be aware and respectful of any special notes on a dogs kennel or the door on a cat room. Sometimes our guests should not socialize with one another, has special dietary needs or has an injury that needs to heal in a low key environment.

14 Safety Some animal illness can be transmitted on your clothing or shoes. While we do our best to control the spread of illness or disease, it can be transmitted to you pets at home if proper precautions aren’t taken. (i.e. change clothes before interacting with your pet, take shoes off before entering your home)

15 Wash and/or sanitize your hands often! Spills, animal waste and other debris should be cleaned and sanitized immediately to avoid slips and falls. If you are injured while working for the LIFE House, please notify President Betty Martin immediately. When working with animals, you should have an up to date Tetanus shot

16 Security

17 Board of Directors President Betty Martin Vice President Jonathan Vaught Treasurer Lisa Smith Adoption Promotion Amy Covert Fundraising Tanya Stevens Tony Menchella Public Relations Jennifer Chagolla

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