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The Indiana Department of Correction presents 1 New Employee Orientation: Universal Precautions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Indiana Department of Correction presents 1 New Employee Orientation: Universal Precautions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Indiana Department of Correction presents 1 New Employee Orientation: Universal Precautions

2 Performance Objectives Define a bloodborne pathogen. List 4 methods bloodborne pathogens may enter the body. Identify 3 ways in which staff can protect themselves from infection. Identify steps for handling spilled blood or body fluids. 2

3 Bloodborne Pathogens A bloodborne pathogen (B.B.P.) is a microorganism found in the blood or other bodily fluids. A bloodborne pathogen can cause disease. You should take every step necessary to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens anytime there is the possibility of contact with bodily fluids from anyone regardless of their age, appearance or physical condition. 3

4 Infected blood must find a direct route of entry into the body to cause an infection. Punctures, cuts and abrasions, rashes, acne and certain membrane areas of the body can provide possible doorways for this infection. Infected Blood 4

5 Washing Washing the affected area even after exposure. Washing your hands after removing latex gloves is still an effective preventative measure. 5

6 Personal protective equipment includes: Gloves Eyewear Masks Gowns/Overalls Resuscitation Devices Personal Protective 6

7 Universal Precautions The use of universal precautions is not optional! Failure to use universal precautions by an employee could result in disciplinary action or dismissal. 7

8 Protecting Yourself 1. Isolate any body substance, such as blood, urine, feces or tissue, and handle only with appropriate precautions. 2. Treat all substances as if they were infected. 3. Recognize that a person, who does not look sick or have symptoms, may still be a disease carrier. 8

9 Exposure All exposure incidents must be reported to your supervisor immediately! An “Investigation of Exposure Incident” form (SF46238) and PCF incident report form must be completed. This will be covered in more detail during your training. 9

10 Clean Up All B.B.P. spills must be cleaned up by appropriately trained staff. Completion of the bloodborne pathogens class is the qualification needed to be able to clean up spills. Some items you will need in order to clean up a Blood/Bio-Hazard spill are shown in the following slides: 10

11 Disposable Latex Gloves 11

12 Absorbent Paper Toweling 12

13 A 10% Bleach Solution 13

14 A red bag for bio-hazard disposal and 14

15 The following are procedures for cleaning up a Blood/Biohazard spill 15

16 #1 Put on Latex gloves. 16

17 #2 Blot a majority of the liquid with absorbent paper toweling. 17

18 #3 Flood contaminated area with a 10% bleach solution. 18

19 #4 Wipe up bleach water with paper towels. 19

20 #5 Mop/Clean and sanitize entire area with bleach water. 20

21 #6 Remove latex gloves by grasping near the wrist area of one hand and pulling it off turning the glove inside-out. NOTE: Avoid contact with outside of contaminated gloves with unprotected skin 21

22 #7 Hold the inverted glove in the palm of the still protected hand and remove that glove by carefully grasping near the wrist pulling it inside-out over the other contaminated glove. 22

23 #8 Deposit all contaminated materials into red biohazard disposal bag, and take to Health Service Unit for pick up by Disposal Contractor. 23

24 Risk All jobs in a correctional facility have some risk of exposure to blood spills. All jobs however do not have an equal risk. 24

25 Disposal Disposal of contaminated materials must be put into a red biohazard bag and taken to the health service unit for pick up by a licensed disposal contractor. 25

26 Contaminated Items If contaminated items are to be laundered, they must first be placed into a white water soluble bag and sent to the institution laundry. All contaminated laundry is to be placed in a designated washing machine. Water temperature must be 180 degrees to ensure decontamination. 26

27 Food Items or Drinks Food items or drinks are never to be stored next to blood or other biohazard specimens! 27

28 Preventative Measures No single preventative measure is 100% effective in preventing the spread of infection. Don’t leave anything to chance! Use your Personal Protection Equipment! 28

29 Preventative Measures Be aware of every situation in your workplace. You must be able to recognize potential dangers of exposure. COMMUNICATE !!! 29

30 Preventative Measures The most commonly encountered blood borne pathogens are: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Hepatitis B (HBV) 30

31 HBV HBV is more infectious than HIV and can survive on environmental surfaces for 7 to 10 days. A person with HBV or HIV may still infect others even though they may not display any symptoms. Always use universal precautions! 31

32 HBV There is no absolute cure for HBV. However, taking preventative measures (using universal precautions) is the only protection against infection by the HBV virus. The approved HBV vaccine used in the U.S. is 100% guaranteed not to transmit bloodborne diseases. 32

33 Needles Under no circumstances are needles to be recapped after an injection. All used hypodermics are to be disposed of in an approved sharps container. Skin punctures are the most commonly encountered threat of exposures to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace. 33

34 Summary You may face many risks as correctional staff and exposure to bloodborne disease is just one of them. If you place caution and procedure between you and blood/bodily fluids, you can protect yourself from HBV and HIV. 34

35 You have now completed the Universal Precautions module. Please continue to the next training module by exiting this program to return to the selection list. 35

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