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The Basics of Music Listening Elements and Terminology.

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Presentation on theme: "The Basics of Music Listening Elements and Terminology."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basics of Music Listening Elements and Terminology

2 Texture Monophonic Biphonic Homophonic Polyphonic Heterophonic

3 Biphonic Two distinct lines, the lower sustaining a drone (constant pitch) while the other line creates a more elaborate melody above it.

4 Monophonic Monophonic texture includes a single melodic line with no accompaniment. Sound clip HERE.HERE

5 Homophonic The most common texture in Western music: melody and accompaniment. Multiple voices of which one, the melody, stands out prominently and the others form a background of harmonic accompaniment. If all the parts have much the same rhythm, the homophonic texture can also be described as homorhythmic. Sound Clip HERE.HERE

6 Polyphonic Multiple melodic voices which are to a considerable extent independent from or in imitation with one another. Also known as Counterpoint.

7 Heterophonic Two or more voices simultaneously performing variations of the same melody.

8 What texture is this music?What texture is this music?

9 Meter/Metre Duple Meter Triple Meter

10 Meter Defined DupleTriple Duple meter is a meter in which each measure is divided into two beats, or a multiple thereof (quadruple meter). Examples ◦2/4 ◦4/4 ◦12/8 Triple meter is a meter in which each measure is divided into three beats, or a multiple thereof. Examples ◦3/4 ◦6/8 ◦9/8

11 Meter Listening Listen to the following pieces of music. Can you figure out their meter? Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6

12 Dynamics

13 Sudden Changes - Dynamics Sforzando - ("forcing" or "forced") ◦(or sforzato or forzando or forzato), indicates a forceful accent and is abbreviated as sf, sfz or fz.  An example of this is Hayden’s Surprise Symphony Mov. 2. Subito = suddely ◦Ex. Subito forte

14 Gradual Changes - Dynamics Crescendo / Decrescendo Diminuendo

15 Articulation Articulation refers to the musical performance technique that affects the transition or continuity on a single note, or between multiple notes or sounds. Tenuto Hold the note in question its full length (or longer, with slight rubato), or play the note slightly louder. Marcato Indicates a short note, long chord, or medium passage to be played louder or more forcefully than surrounding music. StaccatoSignifies a note of shortened duration Legato Indicates musical notes are to be played or sung smoothly and connected.

16 Instruments - Articulation WindsStrings Woodwind and brass in struments generally produce articulations by tonguing, the use of the tongue to break the airflow into the instrument. “Dah” is a commonly used syllable for proper tongue placement. Bowed stringed instruments use different bowing techniques to achieve different articulations. Pizzicato – pizz. Plucking with the finger. Pizzicato Arco – Playing with the bow. Arco

17 Articulation Symbols

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