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National Airspace System

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1 National Airspace System
CFI Student : David Chang

2 Airspace System

3 General Definition There are four types of airspace…(AIM 3)
Controlled airspace. Class A, B, C, D, E airspace. Uncontrolled airspace. Class G airspace. Special use airspace. Prohibited, restricted, warning, military operations, alert and controlled firing areas. Other airspace. Airport advisory area, military training routes, temporary flight restrictions, national security areas, terminal radar service area.

4 VFR Cruising Altitude VFR : FAR

5 Class A Airspace Range FL180~FL600 VFR minimum visibility None
VFR minimum distance from cloud Minimum pilot qualifications Instrument rating VFR entry and equipment requirements IFR flight plan and IFR clearance Speed limit

6 Class B Airspace Range Top to 10000MSL VFR minimum visibility 3 s.m.
VFR minimum distance from cloud Clear of cloud Minimum pilot qualifications Private pilot or student pilot with endorsement VFR entry and equipment requirements Transponder Mode C, ATC clearance Speed limit FAR (c)

7 Class C Airspace Range Top to 4000 AGL VFR minimum visibility 3 s.m.
VFR minimum distance from cloud 500ft below, 1000ft above, 2000 horizontal Minimum pilot qualifications Student VFR entry and equipment requirements Transponder Mode C Establish two way radio communication Speed limit FAR (b)

8 Class D Airspace Range Top to 2500 AGL VFR minimum visibility 3 s.m.
VFR minimum distance from cloud 500ft below, 1000ft above, 2000 horizontal Minimum pilot qualifications Student pilot VFR entry and equipment requirements Establish two way radio communication Speed limit FAR (b)

9 Class E Airspace Range Top to 17999 MSL Above FL600
VFR minimum visibility Below 10000ft MSL : 3 s.m. At or above 10000ft MSL : 5 s.m. VFR minimum distance from cloud Below 10000ft MSL : 500ft below, 1000ft above, 2000 horizontal At or above 10000ft MSL : 1000ft below, 1000ft above, 1 s.m. horizontal Minimum pilot qualifications Student pilot VFR entry and equipment requirements Transponder Mode C above 1000ft MSL Speed limit FAR (a)

10 Class G Airspace Range 1200ft AGL or less VFR minimum visibility
Day : 1 s.m. Night : 3 s.m. VFR minimum distance from cloud Day : Clear of clouds Night : 500ft below, 1000ft above, 2000 horizontal Minimum pilot qualifications Student pilot VFR entry and equipment requirements None Speed limit FAR (a)

11 Class G Airspace Range 1200ft AGL ~ 1000ft MSL (below)
VFR minimum visibility Day : 1 s.m. Night : 3 s.m. VFR minimum distance from cloud 500ft below, 1000ft above, 2000 horizontal Minimum pilot qualifications Student pilot VFR entry and equipment requirements None Speed limit FAR (a)

12 Class G Airspace Range At or above 10000ft MSL VFR minimum visibility
5 s.m. VFR minimum distance from cloud 1000ft below, 1000ft above, 1 s.m. horizontal Minimum pilot qualifications Student pilot VFR entry and equipment requirements Transponder Mode C 2500ft AGL Speed limit FAR (a)

13 Special VFR FAR 91.155, 91.157 When to use it ? What’s the limit ?
When operating within class B, C, D, or E airspace, ground visibility is less than 3 s.m. and ceiling is less than 1000ft AGL. What’s the limit ? At least 1 s.m. ground visibility and remain clear of clouds. How to use it? Get clearance from ATC. No special VFR in night time for private pilot. Unless the pilot is current instrument rating and the airplane is properly equipped.

14 Special Use Airspace Prohibited Areas

15 Restricted Area

16 Warning Area

17 Military Operations Area

18 Alert Area

19 Other Airspace National security area

20 Airport advisory area

21 Temporary flight restriction

22 Military training routes

23 Flight limitations and restrictions

24 Parachute jump aircraft area

25 Terminal radar service area

26 VFR fly ways and VFR transition routes

27 ADIZ zone

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