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Q UESTIONNAIRE A NALYSIS By Tobi Bello. M Y R ESPONDENTS My questionnaire was given out to people of different ages from age 16 to 45 in order to get.

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Presentation on theme: "Q UESTIONNAIRE A NALYSIS By Tobi Bello. M Y R ESPONDENTS My questionnaire was given out to people of different ages from age 16 to 45 in order to get."— Presentation transcript:


2 M Y R ESPONDENTS My questionnaire was given out to people of different ages from age 16 to 45 in order to get a wide range of different perspectives on the questions being asked. I had the advantage of having my fellow students and my teachers answer the questionnaire whilst I was in college. I asked 20 people to take part in the questionnaire 10 being male the other female. It was a reliable questionnaire with all the candidates answering with complete honesty but I feel the questionnaire lacked representativeness. It didn’t represent certain age groups enough as the majority of people that answered the questionnaire was from the 16-24 category.

3 A RE YOU MALE OR FEMALE The chart shows that the questionnaire was fair in asking the same amount of males and females to answer the questionnaire.

4 This chart shows that the majority of people that answered the questionnaire was from the 16-24 category making it unrepresentative of the other age groups.

5 D O YOU LIKE TEENAGE ROMANTIC COMEDIES ? Roughly about ¼ of the people I asked liked teenage romantic comedies the others preferred other genres.


7 W HAT SEX DO YOU THINK TEENAGE ROMANTIC COMEDIES ARE TARGETED AT ? Every respondent felt teenage romantic comedies wasn’t targeted at boys but was targeted at girls or both sex more. Simply because they felt teenage romantic comedies will appeal more to girls than boys.

8 D O YOU THINK FILM TRAILERS ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO GO AND WATCH A FILM ? 19 of the respondents said yes but the one person who said no felt that posters and billboards encouraged people to go and watch a film as it would attract target audiences.

9 W HAT PIECE OF FILM MARKETING IS THE BEST ? This chart shows that posters was the most popular piece of film marketing. Reason bieng an effective poster would make potential viewers want to learn more about the film.

10 D O YOU A LIST ACTORS ARE INFLUENTIAL IN GETTING THE TARGET AUDIENCE TO GO AND WATCH A FILM ? This chart shows that most people believed that A list actors (stars) was more likely to draw people into going to watch a film. However the few that said no felt that there were other factors that contributed to people going to watch a film for example the genre of the film.

11 D O YOU READ ANY FILM MAGAZINES ? This chart indicates that all of my respondents apart from one person don’t read any film magazines.


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