Introduction to Technology Mr. Lombardi Phone: 881-0310 X-61649

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Technology Mr. Lombardi Phone: 881-0310 X-61649"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Technology Mr. Lombardi Phone: 881-0310 X-61649 E-Mail:

2 Introduction to Technology Introduction to Technology is an exploratory, entry level course for students who would like to experience the practical uses of tools and materials.Introduction to Technology is an exploratory, entry level course for students who would like to experience the practical uses of tools and materials. This is the prerequisite for other technology courses in the high school or BOCES Vo-Tec.This is the prerequisite for other technology courses in the high school or BOCES Vo-Tec. The basic technical skills include but are not limited to….The basic technical skills include but are not limited to….

3 Safety Practices

4 Use of Hand Tools

5 Accessing Information

6 Book Work LectureLecture ChaptersChapters

7 Woodworking

8 Sheet Metal

9 Structures

10 Transportation

11 Energy & Power

12 Computer Applications

13 Career Exploration

14 Grading Lab participation- Students receive a daily grade based on participation, cooperation, and preparation for class.Lab participation- Students receive a daily grade based on participation, cooperation, and preparation for class. Group discussionsGroup discussions Written quizzes- announced and unannouncedWritten quizzes- announced and unannounced Proficiency quizzesProficiency quizzes Written testsWritten tests contcont

15 Grading Cont. Homework assignments - Quarterly ReportsHomework assignments - Quarterly Reports Projects- Quality and timelinessProjects- Quality and timeliness Lab cleanupLab cleanup Midterm – cumulative, goes on 2 nd Q gradeMidterm – cumulative, goes on 2 nd Q grade Final Exam - cumulative - 20% of final average (Students with a 4 Quarter Avg. of 90% or better are exempt)Final Exam - cumulative - 20% of final average (Students with a 4 Quarter Avg. of 90% or better are exempt)

16 Professional Training Three ring notebook with pencil/pen-needed everyday.Three ring notebook with pencil/pen-needed everyday. Old shirt, lab coat or coveralls recommendedOld shirt, lab coat or coveralls recommended Students are expected to arrive on time everyday- penalties for latenessStudents are expected to arrive on time everyday- penalties for lateness Students are expected to participate everyday- penalties for non-cooperationStudents are expected to participate everyday- penalties for non-cooperation Students are expected to pass all safety quizzes- possible dismissal from classStudents are expected to pass all safety quizzes- possible dismissal from class

17 Questions? Mr. Lombardi Phone: 881-0310 X-61649 E-Mail:

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