RELS 110 2009-01-12 Genesis Attendance No Announcements No Religious Calendar Review Jewish Scriptures Proverbs Genesis Basic Principles of Judaism.

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1 RELS 110 2009-01-12 Genesis Attendance No Announcements No Religious Calendar Review Jewish Scriptures Proverbs Genesis Basic Principles of Judaism

2 Review of Last Class The Jewish Scriptures: Torah or Pentateuch; Nevi’im “prophets”; Ketuvim “writings” Divine Name: Jews stopped pronouncing the name of God “Yahweh” (YHWH) and substitute, “HaShem” or LORD Proverbs 1. Concerns are universal, not nation-specific. 2. Concerns are with this life, not the afterlife. 3. Stresses importance of human choice 4. Wise=righteous will prosper; foolish=wicked do not. 5. God’s wisdom is reflected in the moral order, as in the physical order 6. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” Choice (in Proverbs’ worldview) We didn’t make the world; it was made a certain way we didn’t determine. Will we respect the way the world is made? Or will we be insensitive, stupid, mean?

3 Summary of Genesis 1-11 Creation: good, way good. Paradise: everything ideal. Flood (Noah) Gen 8:21: I’m not going to curse them. Why? Not because they’re good, but because evil is their nature. Believe in these stories: literally or not? Some do, some don’t. Even early interpreters were divided. These stories tell us important things about the human condition. Important convictions are told by the way of story. Easy to sum up the basic principles/convictions: The Vision of Reality in Genesis 1-11 …

4 1. The universe is created by God and good. Huston Smith on “the little word ‘very’ gives a lilt to the entire religion. The Jews refused to abandon the physical aspects of existence as illusory, defective, or unimportant. Fresh as the morning of creation, they were to be relished with zest. In Jewish faith, there is a strict division of creation and creator. Don’t worship nature (Mother Earth). She is sister earth, a creature, as we are.

5 2. Humans are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) What does the “image” imply? God rules all, so people are given rule over the rest of God’s earthly creation (Dominion, in 1:28). Not exploit/devastate Rule is always given to be exercised for the good of those ruled OR: People are made with a capacity to enjoy God in ways other creatures cannot. The ideal is someone who “walks with God” – has communion with God OR: people can serve God in ways other creatures cannot. Instinctive action vs. moral action: we can do what is right as a moral choice. OR: People can reflect God’s character in ways that other creatures cannot.

6 3. Humans are created male and female For companionship (2:18) Propagation (1:28) Marriage and family are divine institutions, part of the ‘order’ of creation.

7 4. Humans remain creatures Humans remain dependent on God. They need to recognize their limits. One command, to remind of limitations Tower of Babel

8 5. Human existence is spoiled Human existence, and all creation, is spoiled by human pretensions of autonomy. When they think they can make their own rules … when they try to do what they themselves want, independently from God … When humans choose their own interests, not those of creation … Jews think people have an evil inclination and a good inclination, with a constant struggle. People can overcome the evil inclination. That’s why the solution is guidance regarding what to do. It is not beyond you. Christians say humans cannot help but sin. It is such a part of human nature. A more pessimistic problem; a more radical solution. Islam: forgetfulness is the problem; in principle we can do it, when reminded. Adam repented and became a prophet.

9 Basic Principles of Judaism Judaism is best known as the first monotheistic religion. Jews developed the doctrine of monotheism gradually over their early history. Judaism is both an ethnic group and a religion, and the two identities are brought together in the belief that Jews are “the chosen people.” God is believed to be actively involved in historical events in Judaism, sometimes in a way that permanently changes the relationship between God and God’s people. Judaism is a religion of orthopraxis, valuing ritual and the keeping of God’s laws over holding particular beliefs about God.

10 Thirteen Principles of Faith (Moses Maimonides, 13 th C.) 1. God is Creator and Guide. 2. God is One in a unique Way. 3. God does not have a physical form. 4. God is eternal. 5. God and God alone is to be worshiped. 6. God is all-knowing. 7. God gives rewards and punishments. 8. God has revealed his will through the prophets. 9. Moses is the greatest of the prophets. 10. The Torah was revealed to Moses. 11. The Torah is eternal and unchanging. 12. The Messiah will come. 13. The dead will be resurrected.

11 Cultural Context of Judaism For roughly the last two thousand years, Judaism has existed as a minority religion which has been key in the formation of Jewish identity. Jews have faced anti-Semitism in many different lands. Historically, the most vicious anti-Semitism was that of Christians who blamed Jews for the death of Jesus. Especially in Europe, Jews were prevented from owning land or working in many different professions, and were kept in segregated Jewish neighborhoods called ghettoes. The worst and most recent persecution of Jews was the Holocaust, in which the government of Nazi Germany attempted to eradicate the European Jewish population under the pretext that they were racially inferior to other Europeans.

12 Homework Read Exodus 1-20 (on Moodle) and write the quiz before class tomorrow. Read the chapter on Judaism for the quiz due Monday.

13 Religion News

14 Announcements

15 In the Religious Calendar Calendar In the Religious Calendar Calendar

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