Lamar Middle School & Fine Arts Academy. Our mascot is the Scottish Terrier !

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Presentation on theme: "Lamar Middle School & Fine Arts Academy. Our mascot is the Scottish Terrier !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lamar Middle School & Fine Arts Academy

2 Our mascot is the Scottish Terrier !

3 Lamar Grade Levels This year we have 890 students--291 sixth, 319 seventh and 279 eighth graders at Lamar…61 schools represented (52 AISD + 9 Private/Charter). 6 th, 7 th, & 8 th Grades Go Scotties!

4 Our 6 th graders are from these schools Go Scotties!

5 Demographics (all students) 38% Economically Disadvantaged 38% Economically Disadvantaged 8% African American 8% African American 37% Hispanic 37% Hispanic 2% Other Race 3% Two or More Races 50% White 10% SPED 10% SPED 12% 504 12% GT 11% LEP 11% LEP 51% Female 51% Female Go Scotties!

6 Elective Classes (4 elective periods per student) 195 - Advanced Academic (Science, Soc Stu, Writing, Health, Yearbook) 772 - CTE (Career Tech Ed) 249 – Developmental Math and Reading (can be in both) 106 – Other Electives (office aide, AVID, study hall, library aide) 1,385 – Fine Arts (including dance) 671 – PE 362 – LOTE (Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish & exploratory) Go Scotties!

7 This is our 3rd year as AISD’s middle school fine arts academy Lamar’s Fine Arts Academy is aligned with McCallum’s FAA Go Scotties!

8 Fine Arts Academy Majors Go Scotties! Band Orchestra Choral Music Classical Guitar Dance Visual Arts Theater Arts Digital Arts & Media

9 FAA Student Breakdown 13% Economically Disadvantaged 13% Economically Disadvantaged 4.5% African American 4.5% African American 22% Hispanic 22% Hispanic 1.5% Other Race 3% Two or More Races 69% White 2.7% SPED 2.7% SPED 11% 504 0.6 % LEP 0.6 % LEP 66% Female 66% Female Go Scotties!

10 FINE ARTS ACADEMY BREAKDOWN 332 or 37% of the 890 students are in the fine arts academy (55 are first-year transfers from outside the Lamar zone) -107 Visual Arts majors -49 Band majors -39 Choir majors -10 Classical Guitar majors -27 Dance majors -16 Digital Arts & Media majors -37 Orchestra majors -47 Theatre majors Go Scotties!

11 Fine Arts Academy McCallum Visual Arts Courses - Drawing/Painting - Jewelry/Fibers - Ceramics - Print making - Screen Printing - 2D/3D Design - Sculpture - AP Art History Lamar Visual Arts Courses - Year-long Art 6 - Year-long Art 7 - Art I – this is a high school credit course that allows you to take any of the McCallum art courses in 9 th grade Go Scotties!

12 Lamar Visual Arts Program experiences Go Scotties! DrawingPaintingCeramics Print making Screen Printing 2D/3D Design Sculpture Found Art

13 Fine Arts Academy Lamar Music Wind Ensemble Symphonic Band Beginning Band Jazz Factory 6 Choirs 3 Orchestras Rock-estra/Fiddle Classical Guitar Piano Music Theory McCallum Music Wind Ensemble Symphonic Band Concert Band Jazz Band 6 Choirs 2 Orchestras Musical Theatre Classical Guitar Piano Music Theory Steel Drums Go Scotties!

14 Fine Arts Academy All Theatre courses are yearlong Beginner Theatre Intermediate Theatre Theatre Production (Advanced & Majors, only) Accelerated Theatre and Tech Theatre Theatre and Tech Theatre Advanced Theatre and Tech Theatre Theatre Production Go Scotties! Lamar Theatre McCallum Theatre

15 Fine Arts Academy Lamar Dance All Lamar dance classes are year- long and for P.E. credit. Beginner Dance Intermediate Dance Advanced Dance Company Dance Dance for PE credit Beginner Dance Contemporary Dance Dance Majors Go Scotties! McCallum Dance

16 Digital Arts & Media Lamar Digital Arts & Media (year-long classes) 6 th – Digital Photography 7 th – Introduction to Audio/Video Production 8 th – Audio/Video Production w/ Film Theory *Graphic Design is recommended for strand majors McCallum Digital Arts & Media - Digital Photography 2,3,4 - Animation - Audio/Video Production I - Advanced Audio/Video Production II - Practicum in Audio/Video Production - Practicum in Audio/Video Production II Go Scotties!

17 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) LamarLOTE French I, II Spanish I, II Japanese I, II Mandarin I, II McCallum LOTE French I, II, III, IV Spanish I, II, III, IV, V Japanese I, II, III, IV Mandarin I, II, III, IV Latin I, II, III, IV Go Scotties!

18 Career & Technology Education Go Scotties!

19 CTE @ Lamar Technology Careers Graphic Design Photography Web Design Multi-Media/Animation I & II Robotics Keyboarding Culinary Arts Skills for Living Fashion Design Go Scotties!

20 Athletics Volleyball (7 th & 8 th ) Football (7 th & 8 th ) Basketball (7 th & 8 th ) Soccer (7 th & 8 th ) Track (7 th & 8 th ) Tennis (7 th & 8 th ) (Friday Clubs for all grades– Ultimate Frisbee & All above sports except Track)

21 What else makes Lamar the school for me? Go Scotties!

22 Other Electives Yearbook Ancient Civilizations & Mythology Science Around Us Creative Writing AVID Destination Imagination Developmental Math and Reading Forensics & Environmental Science Go Scotties!

23 High School Credit Courses World Languages* KeyboardingHealth Algebra I Geometry Art I Music Theory Go Scotties! *World languages offered at 7 th and 8 th grades only

24 Scottie Clubs (available to all grades) Anime/Manga* Athletics Intramurals*Board (not bored) Games* Chamber Music*Club Tutoring* Computer Games *Fashion Re-design* Filmmaking and Digital Storytelling* The Hangout* History of Rock* Green Teens* MTG & DD* My Little Pony* Paws for Help* Portal 2* Sculpture & 3D Art* Sign Language* Songwriting* Latin Crafts & Cooking* * Ultimate Frisbee* Video Game – 360* Webcomics* The Whovian * Winterguard* The Zone* Zoology Go Scotties!

25 FINE ARTS ACADEMY application process opens in October

26 Questions / Answers about Fine Arts Academy Q – Do I have access to all fine arts classes if I am not a member of the FAA? A – YES Q – What is the advantage of being a member of the FAA? A – Your strand teacher will act as your advisor and monitor your academic progress, attendance and discipline every grading cycle. You will always have a seat in your strand fine arts class. You will receive special recognition at your 8 th grade advancement ceremony as a FAA graduate Q – May I apply for the FAA at any grade level? A – Yes Q- May I switch strands at any grade level? A – Yes Go Scotties!

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