Contact Info Graduate Assistant: Ellie Schmerler Office number: 405-744-7407 Office Hours: Monday – Noon-4pm Tuesday – 8am-Noon.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact Info Graduate Assistant: Ellie Schmerler Office number: 405-744-7407 Office Hours: Monday – Noon-4pm Tuesday – 8am-Noon."— Presentation transcript:


2 Contact Info Graduate Assistant: Ellie Schmerler Office number: 405-744-7407 Email: Office Hours: Monday – Noon-4pm Tuesday – 8am-Noon Wednesday – 11am-3pm Thursday – 11am-3pm Friday – 8am-Noon

3 Important Information Appropriate Team Names Scheduling Waitlisted Teams Co-Rec B Mens A&B

4 ELIGIBILITY OSU or NOC undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the current semester Faculty/Staff with a valid Colvin Recreation Center Activity Card Captains are responsible for the eligibility of their players In order to participate for a fraternity or sorority an participant must be associated with that organization as a pledge, member, or alumni

5 Sport Clubs & Practice Teams Only two (2) sport club or practice squad members are eligible to play on team in corresponding sports Must compete in A league

6 FORFEITS & CONCEDES FORFEIT TIME IS GAME TIME!! NO EXCEPTIONS! FORFEIT FEE is $25 charge to captain’s bursar account. 2 forfeits = dropped from further competition A team CAPTAIN may concede by notifying IM office Concede by noon on day of game or 5 pm on Friday for Sunday games No fee for conceded game 2 conceded games = dropped from further competition

7 PROTESTS A team captain must file the protest with the IM supervisor at the instant the question occurs Protests may only be filed concerning rule interpretations, policies or procedures and player eligibility Player eligibility protests can be made before, during, or after the contest Protests that challenge the accuracy of a judgment call by supervisors will not be accepted

8 Schedules Schedules are subject to change Please check schedules regularly online for updates Call the Rec Check Line for any schedule changes due to inclement weather Look at schedule for any mistakes

9 PLAYOFFS Brackets will be made after the last games on April 14 th. Teams may add players to their roster at their first scheduled playoff game Teams must win one game in order to be eligible for playoffs Win by forfeit DOES count as a win Teams must maintain a 3.0 sportsmanship rating to be eligible for playoffs as well as have a 3.0 throughout playoffs.

10 All-University Points System Sand Volleyball = “Mini Season” A League 75 Participation Points + Final Standing Points IM Champion = 75 Points 2 nd = 50 Points 3 rd & 4 th = 35 Points 5 th - 8 th = 20 Points B League = 25 Participation Points ONLY

11 TEAM CAPTAINS Must be familiar with all rules and policies about their sport and relay that information to team members Checking team schedule daily and notifying team members of schedule changes Team captains assume full responsibility for their players and fans behavior Represent team in case of protests Responsible for forfeit fees

12 MISCELLANEOUS Team captains must present the names and CWID numbers of all players on the score sheet prior to the start of each contest Beverages will be allowed as long as no trash is left behind No alcohol/alcoholic beverages will be allowed No tobacco, smokeless included, is allowed near the Sand Volleyball Courts

13 Free Agents Pick up free agents for your team Go to imLeagues account and see who is available in each league as a free agent.

14 EQUIPMENT Intramurals will provide the “game” ball for each scheduled contest Sand Volleyballs must be provided by the team or checked out through Campus Recreation Equipment Room for practice Athletic attire is required (no jeans, jean shorts, cargo pants, etc) NO JEWELRY!! Hats, visors and sunglasses will be allowed

15 PLAYERS A player may participate on 1 men’s or women’s and 1 co-rec team Team consists of 4 players; start with a minimum of 2 Players may substitute unlimited times per game but must do so during a serve

16 THE GAME Time limit: 40 minutes Best 2 out of 3 First two games will be played to 21 (cap 23) and must be won by 2 The last game will be to 15 (cap 17) win by 2 You DO NOT have to serve to win All games will be rally score **Allowed one (1) timeout per game (30 seconds)**

17 GAME PLAY GAMES ARE SELF OFFICIATED THE FOLLOWING RULES ARE TO BE USED: The serving team will keep the running score by announcing the score (serving team-receiving team) prior to each serve The winning team of each game must report the score to the Intramural Supervisor

18 GAME PLAY The opposing team should call all illegal hits and net and line violations The team on the side of the net nearest a ball in or out should make all of these calls All players are asked to use the honesty system when playing without officials If there is an illegal hit, net or line violation, or line call, the player committing the violation should make the call If teams cannot agree on an illegal hit, net or line violation, or line call, it will result in a replay The Intramural Supervisor will NOT make any game- type calls.

19 RULES A ball may not be played if it goes onto another court that has play in progress Playing the ball that was hit onto another court is legal if the other game is stopped A ball that hits the boundary lines is in bounds Please do not interfere with another game Replay the point if it was possible to make a play

20 RULES A team cannot hit the ball more than three (3) times before sending it over the net If the first contact is a block, then the next play on the ball is considered the first hit A player cannot hit the ball twice in succession A player may not touch the net at any time (unless it is incidental contact) Stepping under the net is legal as long as there is no contact or interference with an opponent

21 RULES All players may attack the net No back row players need to be designated Reaching over the net is only permitted during the follow through of a hit made on a player’s own side, and during a block or block attempt No open hand tips/dinks are allowed during sand volleyball Alternatives include; cobra, palms, heel of hand, knurled fingers, or the back of the hand

22 RULES It is legal to set the serve, no matter if the setter is perpendicular to the net or not; as long as it is not lifted It is legal to double hit a hard driven ball momentarily, but only on the first team contact or hard driven ball

23 SERVE Teams must establish a service order and maintain it throughout each game A serve can take place anywhere behind the back line The server has five (5) seconds to serve the ball after announcing the score. The server must release the ball out of his/her hands before contacting it on the serve The server cannot step on the service line to serve, or step over the service line until the ball has been contacted

24 CO-REC MODIFICATIONS A team consists of four (4) players, two (2) men and two (2) women A team may start with a minimum of two (2) players When only playing with three (3) players, the male/female ratio will be 2:1 or 1:2 On all other occasions the male/female ratio must remain equal, 2:2 or 1:1

25 Any Questions? GOOD LUCK!

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