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Intramural Sports Summer 2015 Sand Volleyball (online) Captains Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Intramural Sports Summer 2015 Sand Volleyball (online) Captains Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intramural Sports Summer 2015 Sand Volleyball (online) Captains Meeting

2 Online Quiz Please read through entire PowerPoint in order to find answers to quiz questions Quiz will be open until May 19 th at 11:55pm. Captains who do not complete quiz will be subject to their team being removed from the league.

3 Overview Introduction UDCR Intramural Sports Policies Captains Responsibilities Basic Sport Information Seasons and Leagues Sport Rules

4 Contact Information Email: Phone: 937-229-2396 Intramural Sports Office will be open sporadically throughout the summer. Please utilize the above methods to get in contact with us. Email is preferred!

5 Software IMLeagues –All games and updates will be posted at –The Intramural Sports Staff will periodically send you messages detailing information about your games and other important information REC*IT –Download the App –Can check your games, standings, and results from your phone

6 Captain’s Responsibilities Manage team – Sign up team; get to minimum players on roster – Abide by policy Outdoor Facility policy Attendance, ID’s Sportsmanship – Talk to officials – Represent at meetings (preseason and prior to games) – Sign up for playoffs

7 Attendance at Games –Show up at field 10-15 minutes prior to game starting Allows for time to warm up, get signed in, and complete captains meeting –Outdoor Facilities policy (applicable to Stuart Field and Outdoor Courts) Must have ID to enter facility Proper footwear (no shoes, socks), shirt No alcohol, tobacco, food, drink (other than water or sports drink)

8 Attendance at Games –Grace Period Policy 1 team is not ready at game time –Other team serves first. 1 team is 5 min late –Other team receives a win for the first game by a score of 25-0 1 team is 10 min late –Forfeit, recorded as 25-0 25-0, and the forfeiting team will receive a “D” for its sportsmanship rating If neither team is ready at game time but becomes ready before 10 min –Have elapsed the game start as normal. However, the game clock will start at the originally scheduled game time. –Forfeits Forfeiting captain will be charged $20 forfeit fee All fee must be paid in full within 2 business days of forfeit Failure to do so results in team removal from league

9 Attendance at Games –To avoid forfeiting Come to your game on time OR… SUMMER ONLY POLICY: Email us at by 2pm of the day of your game to notify us of your team desiring to DEFAULT your game. –This policy is different from our normal Fall/Spring policy.

10 Captain’s Meeting You will be called to a captains meeting before the game starts -We ask that you introduce yourselves to your opponent and to the Officials - Jewelry check -Go over UD Rules -Include Protests -Mercy Rule -You are in charge of your teammates and their actions -Ask any questions -Rock-Paper-Scissors for serve or side of court

11 Policy Enforcement Eligibility - Each player MUST have their UD issued ID to play - NO ID, NO PLAY, NO EXCEPTIONS! Must present ID to official Only acceptable form of ID is the UD ID or Campus Recreation issued ID No driver’s licenses, no using phones, etc. -Present all ID’s individually -Picture = Person -No Varsity volleyball players on a team -No more than 2 club members on a team Equipment -Shirts must be worn that cover entire chest/midriff -No shoes/socks -Absolutely no Jewelry

12 Sportsmanship The University of Dayton's Commitment to Community stresses the importance of treating others with respect, taking responsibility for self and community, and living with integrity. With respect to this mission, we want to practice behavior that is not insulting, demeaning, destructive or harmful to you or others. Must receive a 2.75 or higher to participate in playoffs Must maintain that throughout the Playoffs or you will be eliminated Captain must sign score sheet each night to verify score and sportsmanship rating Any foul language to other players, teammates, officials, or fans is considered unsportsmanlike and will receive yellow card or automatic ejection Two warnings (two yellow cards)=ejection Officials do not need to give warning (yellow card) prior to ejecting participants (they can go straight to a red card)

13 Team Name Policy The University of Dayton's Commitment to Community stresses the importance of treating others with respect, taking responsibility for self and community, and living with integrity. With respect to this mission, we want to practice behavior that is not insulting, demeaning, destructive or harmful to you or others. Therefore, Intramural Sports team names shall not include any of the following: -Any language not consistent with the C2C Mission -Sexually suggestive language -Foul language -References to alcohol, drugs, or tobacco -References to race, religion, sexuality/sexual preference -Any connotation of the above Inappropriate team names have been changed to “Team (Captain’s Last Name)” May change to something more appropriate

14 Protests -You can protest a game if you would like but you can only protest based on a rule interpretation or player eligibility -If it’s a rule, must be made at time of infraction -If a player, must be by end of 1 st game *You CANNOT protest a judgment call* If you are looking to protest, tell the officials and they should get the supervisor

15 Seasons and Leagues Season Dates: -Regular: Tuesday, May 26 th – Monday, June 8 th -2 game regular season -Schedules will be posted after gathering availability of teams on IMLeagues (you filled this out when you signed your team up in IMLeagues). -Schedules will be posted by Wednesday, May 20th -Postseason: Tuesday, June 9 th – Thursday, June 18 th -Tuesday, June 2 nd - Brackets will be open for you to select a date/time slot for your team to play -Bracket will lock Thursday, June 4 th at 11:55 -Single Elimination -Only players on roster eligible to play Leagues: -Men’s -Women’s -Coed Can play on one single gendered team AND one coed team

16 Basic Rules Timing A match consists of three (3) games. The first team to win two (2) games wins the match, but the third game will be played regardless of the outcome of the first two. Each game will be played, using rally scoring, to 21 points (must win by two, cap at 23). The third game will be played to 15 points (win by one).

17 UD Specific Rules Jewelry Check - “If you weren’t born with it, it’s jewelry.” - Failure to comply results in an ejection - Medical bracelets are acceptable if it is taped prior to game, it is allowed. Rally Scoring If any part of the ball touches the end or sidelines, it is considered “in”. Players CANNOT touch the top tape of the net Players CANNOT touch the net with the intent of interfering with play. Players CAN play the ball off of the net.

18 Co-ed Specific Rules PLAYERS: The team shall be comprised of two (2) males and two (2) females. A team may play unbalanced; however at no time may more than half of the players on the court be male. MALE RESTRICTIONS: In Coed leagues no male can spike the ball at the net. Males are able to tip assuming the tip has an arc. There are no restrictions on blocking.

19 Rotations and Substitutions Clockwise One position prior to each successive round of serving When substituting, must enter at the serving position and exit at the front right position

20 Rule Clarifications/Points of Emphasis Player may only hit the ball on their side of the net No serve may be blocked Lift Ball may only be contacted once during an attempt to play a ball Lines are in Crossing the center line

21 Rule Exceptions Any ball contacted at or bellow the waist is an “illegal” hit The “pursuit rule” will NOT be in affect A player will be allowed one re-serve per round of service

22 Player Position Before the ball is served, each player must be in their designated area, and in proper rotation. Once the serve has been contacted, the players may change their line position. A back row player shall not participate in a block or attack a ball which is completely above the net while positioned on or in front of the 10 foot line.

23 Serving SERVING AREA: The serving area is the located behind the back boundary line and is six feet in depth. The player must contact the ball within the extensions of the sideline while serving. THE SERVE: THE SERVING SIDE: – Must throw or release the ball from the hand or hands before it is hit. – May not hit the ball directly off the holding hand. – May not hit the ball with both hands. – May not step on the back line or inside the court until the ball is hit. – May hit the net on the serve. Let serves are permitted – No re-serves are permitted. The receiving side: – May not block a serve – May not attack a serve while ball is above the plane of the net

24 Hits THREE CONTACTS BY TEAM: The ball may be contacted a total of three times by a team in order to return the ball to the opponents area. If a teammate receives a ball that was blocked or partially blocked, the team still has all three hits to return the ball to the opponent’s side. NET PLAY: A ball other than the serve may be recovered from the net provided the player avoids touching the net.

25 Hits DOUBLE CONTACT: A player contacting the ball more than once with whatever part of the body, without any other player having touched it between these contacts will be considered as having committed a double hit, except if the first contact was a block the same player may make the next contact. LEGAL HIT: A ball must be cleanly hit with any part of the body above the waist. It cannot come to rest momentarily in the hands or arms of a player. Scooping, lifting, pushing, and carrying the ball is illegal. A ball clearly hit with two hands from below is considered a good play. PLAYING THE BALL: The ball may be hit by any part of the body above and including the waist except if the ball contacts one or more players participating in a block. These players may participate in the next contact.

26 Hits REACHING OVER NET: In returning the ball, a player may follow through over the net, providing he/she first contacts the ball on his/her own side of the net. Player(s) in the act of blocking may reach across the net but may not contact the ball there until their opponent has hit the ball to return it. A player is permitted to unintentionally cross under the net as long as they don’t interfere with play on the other side of the net. Determining interference is the job of the officials during that game. SPIKE: An overhand hit, that goes directly over the net, with or without force that does not have an arc.

27 Hits TIPPING THE BALL: In sand volleyball open hand tips are illegal by any player during an attack on the ball. Violation will result in point for opposing team. A tip must have a closed fist and or closed knuckles during contact with the ball.

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