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What is the least number of representatives a state may have?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the least number of representatives a state may have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the least number of representatives a state may have?

2 Who is head of the farm program?

3 House or Senate or Both Must live in the state they represent

4 True or False The United States Supreme Court is chosen by Congress

5 True or False The United States Flag has to be in the rear of a parade

6 True or False The executive branch has no checks over the judicial branch

7 True or False The Constitution was written after the Declaration of Independence

8 Secretary of Labor or Energy Who settles strikes?

9 Secretary of Defense or Human Services Who is the head of Social Security?

10 Secretary of Defense or War Who carries out a war?

11 True or False The 13 colonies included Ohio

12 Right to liberty or education Which is not an unalienable right?

13 President or Judicial Branch Interprets laws and administers justice

14 “Bicameral” means what?

15 What is Habeas Corpus? A prisoner cannot be detained without a trial or you have to have the Supreme Court look at your case

16 25, 30 or 35? Minimum age of President

17 Voters or Electoral College Who really elects the president?

18 How many women have been president?

19 Who can call special session of Congress?

20 How many terms can the president serve?

21 What do the stars on the flag represent?

22 What do the stripes on the flag represent?

23 The national budget is presented by

24 Has a 6 year term

25 Has a 4 year term

26 Has a 2 year term

27 Serves for life

28 Has to be at least 25 years old

29 Has to be at least 30 years old

30 Who is the Father of the Constitution ?

31 Who was the first president?

32 True or False The Boston Tea Party was for the British to greet new immigrants to the colonies

33 True or False A senator may only be reelected once

34 True or false There are an even number of justices on the Supreme Court

35 True or False The House of Reps is not involved in impeachment cases

36 True or False Under certain conditions the House of Reps selects the president

37 True or False United States senators receive larger salaries than the House of Reps

38 True or False A three fourths vote is necessary for congress to pass a law over a president’s veto

39 True or False If the president does not act on a bill within 10 days it will become a law if Congress is still in session

40 True or False The coining and printing of money is the job of the Secretary of the Treasury

41 True or False An ex post facto law is a law that makes an act illegal after the act has been committed

42 True or False Only federal officers have titles of nobility

43 True or False Congress cannot tax goods being exported out of a state

44 True or False Each state must treat the citizens of other states the same way it treats its own citizens

45 True or False States can make treaties with foreign countries

46 True or False There are 10 cabinet positions

47 True or False The president picks his or her successor after their term is over

48 True or False The President is the head of the legislative branch

49 True or False The United States Supreme Court is chosen by Congress

50 Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

51 Who is our Vice President?

52 When is the next presidential election?

53 This plan was written by James Madison and proposed two houses with equal representation.

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