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After the Fall of Rome The Muhammad, Japan, Russia, Mongols.

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1 After the Fall of Rome The Muhammad, Japan, Russia, Mongols

2 Chapter 10 When Muhammad died in 632 Abu-Bakr became the first caliph. After the first four “rightly guided caliphs,” a split occurred with Muslims based on who should become the next caliph. SunniShi’aSufi

3 Shi’a Believe all Muslim rulers should be descended from Muhammad. Claim the Sunni have distorted the meaning of various passages in the Qur’an

4 Sunni Claim the Shi’a have distorted the meaning of various passages in the Qur’an. Believed Muslim rulers should follow the Sunna, or Muhammad’s example

5 Sufi Believed you should pursue a life of poverty and devotion to a spiritual path.

6 Under the Muslim “rightly guided” Caliphs, conquered people were treated with tolerance. Conquered people could follow their own religion. Paid a poll tax each year for exemption from the military

7 Chapter 11 The empire was divided by Diocletian and the capital of the Byzantine Empire was moved to Constantinople, named after Constantine, and was known as the New Rome. In 527, a new emperor, Justinian succeeded the throne. He created a uniform law, Justinian code that was divided into 4 parts.

8 1.The Code – 5000 Roman laws 2.The Digest – Quoted and summarized the opinions of Rome’s greatest legal thinkers about the laws. 50 volumes 3.The Institutes – textbook that told law students how to use the laws 4.The Novella (New Law) – presented legislation (laws) passed after 534 The Justinian Code regulated many areas of Byzantine life – Marriage, slavery, property, inheritance, women’s rights, and criminal justice.

9 Schism (split) of Christianity Roman Catholic Services in Latin Pope is leader of the church Pope is over all kings and emperors Priests cannot marry Divorce is not allowed Shared Beliefs Faith is based on the gospel of Jesus & Bible Sacraments – baptism Leaders are priests and bishops Want to convert people Eastern Orthodox Services in Greek or local language Patriarch and bishops head the church together Emperor is above the patriarch and bishops Priests can marry Divorce is sometimes allowed.

10 Russia Viking Chief Rurik was the first king of Russia and founded the city of Novgorod Princess Olga and her grandson Vladimir brought Christianity into Russian culture.

11 Russia’s power was usurped with the invasion of the Mongols under the control of Batu Khan (Genghis Khans grandson) The Mongols demanded 2 things from the Russians – – 1. absolute obedience – 2. Massive amounts of tribute or payments

12 Russia was isolated for quite a while by Mongol rule until Ivan III overthrew Mongol control and took the title czar. Ivan III publicly claimed his intent ot make Russia the 3 rd Rome

13 Turks On the Anatolia peninsula, a group known as the Selyuk Turks, had converted to Islam and by 1071 they had conquered the Byzantine Empire and the Holy Land (Jerusalem)

14 Chapter 12 Mongols, Japan

15 Mongol Conquests & Empire Further east, the Mongols continue to conquer areas in the east, and under Temujin, united Mongols with a single purpose – Conquest. Temujin took the title of Genghis Khan which means universal ruler. He continued to create the largest unified empire in history from 1206 to 1227

16 Genghis Khan’s grandson Kublai Khan, wanted to fulfill his grandfathers wish to control all of China but never was able to conquer Japan. A young traveler from Venice, Marco Polo, worked for the Khan for 17 years and later told of his stories that were an instant success

17 Japan In Japan, there was a combination of control, the Yamato Emperors and the powers of individual clans. Japan had an Emperor who served as a figurehead to a clan leader who reigned from behind the throne.

18 Feudalism in Japan Emperor Daimyo Samurai Peasants Artisans and Merchants

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