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$100,000 Project  Instructions  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

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2 $100,000 Project  Instructions  Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

3 Object: Spend $100,000 EXACTLY!

4 Can Do’s  You can buy 1 car Car’s price must not exceed $30,000  You can donate to charity Maximum Donation = $10,000

5 Can NOT Do’s  No Savings of any kind  No investments  No Purchases over $20,000 (except for the car)  No Identical Items (Don’t buy more than 1 of anything)

6 How Much Stuff Can I Buy?  Must purchase a minimum of 10 items  You may not purchase more than 20 items (this includes donation to charity) So, 10-20 items.

7 The items that you purchase must be tangible (something that you can see and touch).

8 The items that you purchase must be legal (and you must be the legal age to buy an item).

9 Where Can I Buy Items?  World Wide Web (Internet) Stores Stores Ebay Ebay Online classified Online classified Etc. Etc. At least ½ of your items must be from the Internet! At least ½ of your items must be from the Internet!  Newspaper Classifieds Ads Flyers Etc.

10 Do I Need Documentation? ABSOLUTELY  Be sure to cite where you bought your items

11 How Do I Cite My Sources? INTERNET  Copy and paste the website address  If website is REALLY long, use the home page address Example: Example:

12 Do I Need to Cite a Source For My Donation to Charity?  In the source column, you need to give a website for a LEGITIMATE charity, if available.  Be certain to name the charity or non-profit organization somewhere.

13 Where Do I Cite My Sources? Cite the places where you found your items and prices in the last column of your project. If you set your spreadsheet up like the example, then it should be column E. ItemPriceTaxTotalSource Concert Ticket $50.004.1354.13 Dallas Morning News Classifieds 4/6/04

14 How Do I Begin? 1. Set up a separate blank Excel spreadsheet to record your purchases. a)Use the example on the instruction sheet. b)Make sure you include the title. 2. Start shopping. a)Record your items in column A. b)Record prices in Column B.

15 How Do I Find the Tax?  TAX =.0825  Use a formula that will multiply Price by.0825.  After you find tax for the first item, you can drag that formula down for the rest of your items.

16 There is NO TAX on charity. This is something you are donating, not buying.

17 What is the Total?  TOTAL = Price +Tax  This is how much you actually spend on the item with tax.  All totals must add up to $100,000 exactly. Remember you can highlight totals as you go along and check the status bar for the current sum. Remember you can highlight totals as you go along and check the status bar for the current sum.

18 Do I Calculate A “Grand Total” For Everything?  Yes. Sum all of your prices in Column B Sum all of your prices in Column B Sum all of the tax in Column C Sum all of the tax in Column C Sum all of the totals in Column D Sum all of the totals in Column D

19 What Do I Do When I Am Finished? Review the checklist and your spreadsheet. Make sure that you have met all of the conditions and expectations. Make sure that you have met all of the conditions and expectations.

20 1 st Printout  File, Page Setup Landscape Landscape Fit to 1 Page Fit to 1 Page Add a header Add a header

21 2 nd Printout - Formulas  File, Page Setup Landscape Landscape Fit to 1 Page Fit to 1 Page Formulas Formulas

22 Finished?  Make sure of header.  Check print preview that all printouts fit to 1 page  Correct Any Typos  Look over Grade Sheet and confirm everything is completed  Turn in to Google Drive

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