A Presentation on “SMART WATCH” www.engineersportal.in.

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1 A Presentation on “SMART WATCH” www.engineersportal.in

2 CONTENTS : Introduction Basic working SPOT working Construction Advantages Disadvantages Conclusion www.engineersportal.in

3 INTRODUCTION: The idea of a smart watch has been taken from the 1940’s comic strip,Dick Tracy who was a detective. He had a two way Communication watch. The first smart watch was introduced in 2004. Produced by tissot,swatch and fossil. www.engineersportal.in

4 What will a smart watch do for me? Smart watches give people access to: ◦ News ◦ Weather ◦ Sports ◦ Stocks ◦ Horoscopes ◦ MSN Instant Messenger ◦ Microsoft Outlook ◦ Receive phone calls ◦ Read and send text messages and emails. www.engineersportal.in

5 How do they work? How do they work? Smart watches work using a technology Microsoft developed called Smart Personal Object Technology, or SPOT Microsoft introduced SPOT at Comdex in 2002. Smart watches work using a technology Microsoft developed called Smart Personal Object Technology, or SPOT www.engineersportal.in

6 How does SPOT work? SPOT uses FM broadcasting, like the kind picked up by a radio, to deliver web based data to smart watches. Smart watches receive more than 200 channels of information that are broadcast on a radio spectrum leased by Microsoft. 4 companies producing SPOT: Suunto, Fossil, Tissot, and Swatch www.engineersportal.in

7 Inside the smart watch: Inside the smart watch: PIEZO (piezoelectric ceramic crystal) - A crystal that enables the smart watch to generate sound. PCB (printed circuit board) - The PCB in the Smart Watch houses the CPU, memory and radio chip. Direct band radio receiver chip. - This is how online servers connect to the watch. - These chips are the heart of SPOT technology www.engineersportal.in

8 Battery Life The smart watch battery is rechargeable. Some models come with a recharging stand, but other models use an adapter that plugs into the wall. Certain models can last up to two days on one charge www.engineersportal.in

9 Advantages: Can always access important messages, reminders etc. while on-the-go. Social media Trendy and fashionable Less time spent on phone Price is justified Upgradable www.engineersportal.in

10 Disadvantages Small battery life Small processor/screen Worn with formal/informal wear Work vs. Play distracting Privacy www.engineersportal.in

11 Conclusions: The smart watch is a wearable gadget which keeps our hands free and yet allow us to use our smart phone which might be At home while we are away from home www.engineersportal.in

12 References: http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/are- these-5-top-smart-watches-only-time-will- tell-643316 www.engineersportal.in



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