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CCT356: Online Advertising and Marketing Class 11: Mobile Marketing/Future Directions.

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Presentation on theme: "CCT356: Online Advertising and Marketing Class 11: Mobile Marketing/Future Directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCT356: Online Advertising and Marketing Class 11: Mobile Marketing/Future Directions

2 Final Project Notes Outline = first five steps noted by Pam March 1 (move from general info to specific SMART goals and propose their realization) Can be prototypical – e.g., if you’re thinking of a web video, it could be mocked up. Yes, real clients – and permission – necessary – they provide the context (and limitations) required Presentations – quick summary of the project (5-7 minutes) – sell us on the notion you have a good plan (could be seen as a pitch to client as well)

3 Final Exam Notes Monday April 11 th, 8-10pm, DV Gym Mix of MC and applied case questions 15-20 MC worth 30-40% Application questions will be a set of questions on a single case provided All material in covered text chapters and guest lectures Tips for both

4 Personal Branding 5% on presentation – clean up the personal wikis (and ensure they’re on the list), add material that represents you (in a good light of course…examples?) 5% on structured reflection – “let me tell you what I know” (NSCC) What stood out for you? What did you learn? What did you learn about how you (and others) learn? What challenged you? Inspired you? Due after the assignments (obviously) – say, a week after final project is due.

5 Mobile Marketing Online = increasingly not desktop/browser oriented Cell phones outnumber desktop connections worldwide Most, however, have limited capability (e.g., simple text service) – smartphones are still an expensive device for some But can do wonderful things: campaigns/

6 Seven Powerful Reasons Personal Always carried Mostly always on Built-in payment system (*) Taps creative impulses (**) Many are traceable and trackable (***) Indicators and facilitators of social networking

7 Limitations Phones from basic to near fully functional computers Small screen real-estate Small/non-existent keyboard Difficulty/impossibility of navigation/controls Many operating systems – and limitations within each (e.g., Apple’s war on Flash) Country/network limitations – not as global as you think!

8 SMS Marketing SMS – short bursts of info (the original Twitter) Great for CRM – updates on services (e.g. bus times), immediate appointments, etc (e.g., Zipcar) Contests/promotions (often with costs to text) Also calls to action/donations (e.g., text ASIA to 30333 for Japanese disaster relief…) SMS messaging hasn’t exploded into spam – why?

9 Mobile Web Sometimes SMS isn’t enough – anything that requires more than 160 characters will require web access Issues with browser type, plugins, speed Coping strategies – 1) doing nothing, 2) standard compliant web design for mobile, 3) platform-specific delivery tailored by web calls (e.g., detecting iPhone Safari and loading particular shell)

10 Design Considerations Task driven – what kinds of things are likely to be requested on mobile? Time sensitivity – speed is of the essence, most likely (immediate needs, less reliable bandwidth) Location – increasingly, mobile phones define where you are Design considerations – simple HTML, few plugins or Ajax, easy navigation, portrait vs. landscape mode,

11 QR Codes 2-D barcodes that can be scanned or interpreted as a picture Originally an inventory control technology, increasingly used as a pictoral short URI Of course, only relevant for camera phones

12 Apps Represent content in specific defined format vs. relying on web browsers Can be an income stream as well – sell the app for accessing otherwise free content, and people may buy it

13 Monetizing through apps Advertising connections within other apps (e.g., free/paid versions of mobile games, cross-promotion of related products) Angry Birds example – monetization through cross- promotion of other Roxio/AB products (including “news” ads and trailers), selling plush toy, the mighty eagle cheat, Angry Birds: Rio movie tie-in, etc.

14 Local Content Increasingly, mobile devices are location-aware (GPS) and collect location information (e.g., Foursquare, geotagging photos, etc.) Potential for augmented reality – a data layer overlaying real life experience (examples?) As phones are intensely personal and localized, very interesting and scary possibilities

15 Example: Location-Based Social Buying Some goods/services need to be consumed locally – examples? Social buying (e.g., Groupon, Wagjag) – get many people together to buy at discounted rates Even if no buy is made, awareness of service is promoted A missed opportunity for local media providers – Wagjag is TorStar’s attempt to catch up, monetize their local focus online

16 Future What does the future hold?

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