Literacy Lesson 4: “On My Own” Short Writing Tasks November 18, Period 1.

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1 Literacy Lesson 4: “On My Own” Short Writing Tasks November 18, Period 1

2 By the end of the lesson you will: learn a strategy for answering “On My Own” short writing tasks (Note: In these tasks you do not read something first, then write about what you read) practice writing and evaluating “On My Own” short writing tasks practice your multiple choice test-taking skills

3 “On My Own” short writing tasks

4 What do I need to know about “On my Own” tasks? 1. Two short writing tasks are based only on your life experience. For example, “Name a person you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Use specific details to explain your choice.” 2. They are evaluated on a 50 point scale: 30 points for topic development and 20 points for writing conventions. 3. There are no correct or incorrect answers, but be specific when you explain your answer. Lack of details is usually the difference between a score of 20 and 30.

5 “On my own” topic development rubric is like the reading response rubric. Both focus on specific & relevant details.

6 “On my own”: Use of Conventions rubric

7 Comparison: Reading response and On my own tasks Reading response questions based on something I read but I add my own ideas when the question asks for them Rubric says: accurate, specific and relevant details from the reading 6 lines to fill writing conventions are not assessed total points I can receive is 30 On my own short writing tasks based entirely on my own ideas Rubric says: Clearly explains at least one reason that is specific and relevant 6 lines to fill writing conventions are assessed total points I can receive is 50




11 Plan the three parts using a graphic organizer Concluding sentence Reason #1 -my own idea Topic Sentence Turn the question into a statement -my own idea Reason #2 -my final word on this topic


13 An example for you

14 What was your favourite movie? Use specific details to explain your choice.

15 The Titanic is my favourite movie. -historical event -love story -mix of romance and history make it my favourite Reason #1 Reason #2 Topic Sentence Concluding sentence

16 A Code 30 Response. My favourite movie is James Cameron’s Titanic. I am a history buff and this movie is based on the real life sinking of the ship Titanic on April 15 th, 1912. Seeing the sets and costumes really made me feel that I was back in time. I also like a good love story. The relationship between Jack and Rose was romantic and added to the tragedy of the film. The mixing of romance and this historical event makes James Cameron's Titanic my favourite movie of all time.

17 Useful Transitions and Linking Expressions This handout may help you connect sentences smoothly. Use it as a reference today and in future OSSLT literacy lessons.

18 Try it yourself: There are 6 different “On my own” tasks Instructions: 1. Draw the graphic organizer on your page and fill it in: rephrase the question as a statement. give two specific reasons. wrap up what you said about the topic in a concluding sentence. 2. Write your answer in the 6 lines. Teachers: Handout one “On my own” short writing task to each student. You have 7 minutes. Start NOW.

19 Exchange responses with a partner 1. Evaluate your partner’s work using the rubric on the reverse side. 2. Share exemplary responses and your rationale with the whole class.

20 Additional practice “On my own” short writing tasks will be posted on the JFSS website.

21 Who Ate Pasta First? Whole Class Multiple choice question practice assessment

22 Learning Touch Down You have learned how to: 1) Read and make inferences using the It says, I say, …and so strategy 2) Read and answer multiple choice questions It has been one week since you learned these skills. It is time to find out what you learned and remember!

23 Learning Touch Down 1.Re-read the “Who Ate Pasta First?” information paragraph. 2.The multiple choice questions will appear on the power point screens. 3.Refer to your text in order to answer the questions. 4.When all the questions have been displayed, I will show you the answers. You have 2 minutes to re-read. Start NOW.

24 Are you ready to answer the multiple choice questions? ALMOST!







31 The Answers Explicit Information Implicit Information Making Connections

32 Self- Assessment Record your answers to the three statements on the next slide. Use these statements to plan your next steps.

33 1. I am good at _______________ 2. One thing that I need to get better at is ______ 3. In order to get better at______, I will______

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