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AG Biochar By Athena Greene Inc.. Katie Kelley CEO/Founder Melissa Saldana VP of Sales and Marketing Athena.

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Presentation on theme: "AG Biochar By Athena Greene Inc.. Katie Kelley CEO/Founder Melissa Saldana VP of Sales and Marketing Athena."— Presentation transcript:

1 AG Biochar By Athena Greene Inc.

2 Katie Kelley CEO/Founder Melissa Saldana VP of Sales and Marketing Athena Greene Inc. Founded March 2014 California C Corporation Based in Modesto CA

3 What is AG Biochar?  AG Biochar is an all natural product made of activated carbon that you add to the soil.  This is a one time process since AG Biochar lasts for DECADES or more.  AG Biochar is Activated Biochar and has biology to hold and deliver nutrients in the easiest to process form making more benefit from up to 20% less fertilizer.

4 How AG Biochar is Different From Other Biochar or Activated Carbon?  AG Biochar is Agricultural Grade Biochar made specifically for use in agriculture. Some biochar is made as a byproduct of making Biofuel and can be harmful if used on plants or animals.  How to know the difference? Easy test is take some in your hands AG Biochar will rinse clean with just water, biofuel biochar will have oils in it requiring soap to clean it from your hands.

5 How AG Biochar is Different From Other Biochar or Activated Carbon  AG Biochar is Activated Biochar with all the biology already active in it. We start with top quality biochar and add (less than 10% by volume) Worm Castings for nutrients and rice hulls for food source and a fermented solution for the biology and process for up to 2 weeks to get things started before you add it to your soil.  Raw biochar can cause harm. The biology that will start naturally with biochar needs to fill up with nutrients to populate. If done in the soil it will pull them out of your soil and plants until fully established.

6 How AG Biochar is Made Makes it Different From Other Carbons AG Biochar is made from burning any clean organic substance. This can be wood (no paint or chemicals) such as waste from sawmills, nut shells, Crop waste, spoiled feed or other natural material. We don’t believe in burning what others can use. Pyrolysis of AG Biochar is at 400+ degrees Celsius (750 F). In a low oxygen environment. No Smoke or fumes are emitted since top down burning consumes the flammable gasses before they reach the chimney.

7 How AG Biochar is Making a Difference With How it is Made  Byproducts of AG Biochar production are AG Quality Biochar  Electricity generated from the heat created  Zero emissions  Removal (by burning) of waste products that would have to be sent to landfill  No additional fuel is needed  Jobs for the community  Improved quality of the crops and the land that AG Biochar is added to

8 Water Conservation and Environmental Responsibility  Holds in moisture and releases as the plant requires. Uses as much as 20% less water.  AG Biochar protects against toxins including salt in the water and environment and has a negative charge to lock it in instead of releasing it back to the soil.

9 Biochar Yields a Healthier and More Plentiful Crop  You get a 30% increase in crop production with AG Biochar  AG Biochar improves fruit and nut quality, size and yield after the first use and for decades to come  AG Biochar supports tree health by improving their establishment and creating more resistance to disease

10 Nutrient Rich Soil Adds Value to Your Farm  One application will work effectively for decades  You will need to purchase 20% less fertilizer because your soil will be making better use of nutrients with AG Biochar  Adding AG Biochar to the root area of each tree or plant holds in both moisture and nutrients close to the roots so it can be absorbed

11 Personalized Consultation With a Professional AG Biochar is here to help maximize your farms potential for profit and production. We will gladly arrange a personalized appointment geared towards you and your farms needs. To arrange an appointment with a AG Biochar Professional fill out the contact form on our website or call us at 209-552-5075.

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