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Welcome to Year 1 1AB - Mrs Ashcroft & Mrs Bradley 1E - Mrs Eckard TA’s – Mrs Phillips, Mrs Moverley & Mrs Whalley.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 1AB - Mrs Ashcroft & Mrs Bradley 1E - Mrs Eckard TA’s – Mrs Phillips, Mrs Moverley & Mrs Whalley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 1AB - Mrs Ashcroft & Mrs Bradley 1E - Mrs Eckard TA’s – Mrs Phillips, Mrs Moverley & Mrs Whalley

2 Curriculum Coverage Maths, RWI & Guided Reading are all taught daily. Science, French, Topic, Music, PSHE, ICT, RE, PE are taught weekly. Art and DT are taught through topics.

3 Classroom Organisation Children will stay in own classrooms for the lesson input. During focussed activities - 1 group from each class will work with class teacher, 1 group from each class will work with Teaching Assistant and the other 3 groups will have independent activities.

4 Classroom Organisation 2 Children are put into various groups. Sometimes in ability groups and sometimes in mixed ability groups.

5 Reading Children will read at least once a week in school. It’s important that the children have as many opportunities to read as possible. Reading own books as well as school books. They must start to learn the High Frequency words.

6 Positive Behaviour Management Same system throughout school from Nursery to Year 6 - ‘Good to be Green’. Friday activity is a reward for good behaviour. House points system – being revised. Stickers and stamps rewarded in class. Headteachers certificate for extra good pieces of work. Merit box give out in class each Friday – badge awarded in assembly.

7 Topics Footprints through the Forest Frozen Dinosaurs and Dragons Fighting Fit Masai Mara Finding Nemo

8 Trips There will be a couple of trips throughout the year yet to be arranged. Letters will be sent with arrangements, cost etc. Trip planned for 16 th September to the Doncaster Forest School – ‘Stickman’

9 PE Outdoor kit : outdoor sensible footwear – summer term. Indoor kit : plain white t-shirt; plain navy, grey or black shorts. Long hair tied back and no earrings. 1AB – Tuesday & Thursday 1E – Monday & Thursday

10 Uniform White polo t-shirt or shirt, with or without school logo. Black, grey or navy trousers or skirt/dress. No jeans or tracksuit bottoms please. Indoor pumps – preferably not slippers.

11 Expectations of your Child We encourage independence. Making sure the children are able to bring themselves into school and know to hand in dinner money etc. Changing of own reading books (when book is finished).

12 Communication between home and School Telephone Before or after school Please come to see us, don’t brood over potential issues. Year 1 blog.

13 Homework & Spellings Reading Books One-off topic projects. Individual spellings when appropriate – high frequency words.

14 Curriculum Expectations To read with some fluency. To write in sentences – encourage this by talking in sentences. To recognise and write numbers to 100. Know number bonds to 10 by heart. Preparation for Y1 phonics screening in June.

15 Support for children The main support comes from quality first teaching within the class. A number of interventions run throughout the year to support those children who are maybe not quite keeping up with their peers. Interventions are in addition to lessons but held during a timetabled slot for whole school. You will receive a letter.

16 How can I support my child? Clear communication between home & school. Regular practise of correct letter and number formation. Regular reading at home. Practise spellings. Encourage more responsibility and independence at home.

17 Suggestions Are there things that you would like to happen that do not currently take place? Please go away and think about this and let us know. Thank you for your support in our three way partnership.

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