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Shading : (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) the graded areas of tone, lines, dots, etc., indicating light and dark in a painting or drawing.

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Presentation on theme: "Shading : (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) the graded areas of tone, lines, dots, etc., indicating light and dark in a painting or drawing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Shading : (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) the graded areas of tone, lines, dots, etc., indicating light and dark in a painting or drawing

3 Value : the relative lightness or darkness of a color Value Scale

4 There are several shading techniques to achieve value: Hatching : a shading technique in which fine lines are drawn close together

5 Cross-hatching : a shading technique that uses two series of parallel lines that intersect

6 Stippling: a shading technique using small dots to create values

7 Gradation: a shading technique that has gradual passing from one tint or shade to another

8 A form that is shaded should have value. There are FIVE main components. Light Source Highlight Midtone Dark Shadow

9 Light Source: Highlight: Midtone: Dark: Shadow: where the light in a drawing or painting is coming from the lightest spot or area on a form the shade or color of a form without adding a dark or light the area of a form that is not exposed to light a dark figure or image cast on the ground or some surface by a body intercepting light

10 What you will do: On a 9X11 paper, you will arrange four different forms on your page; a sphere, cube, cylinder, and cone to create an interesting composition. You will use all four shading techniques on the forms and be aware of the light source.

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