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Classical Empires Persia, Greece & Rome

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1 Classical Empires Persia, Greece & Rome
Quizlet: Unit 3 & 4 Classical Empires Persia, Greece & Rome

2 Concept Questions How can geography influence political organization?
What were the major accomplishments of the Persian, Greek and Roman empires? What are the historical origins and central beliefs of Zoroastrianism and Christianity? How can new ideas lead to social and political change? What factors contributed to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire?

3 Persian Religion Zoroastrianism First to establish monotheism
God of Truth and Light God of Evil and Darkness Fight for possession of souls People will be judged on their choices in life Fiery pit or Paradise Influenced Christianity, Judaism and Islam


5 Persia (Iran) Trade: farming and minerals
Royal Road – connected the empire for communication and trade - Standard system of weights, measures, and coins - postal system Video link Cyrus Darius Cambyses Settled revolts Expanded into India Could not conquer Greece Unified provinces, expanded the road system, standardized money Satraps – assigned governor to each province, tax collector & army leader Military genius Conquered people allowed to keep their local customs & religions Governed with kindness and tolerance reason for success Cyrus cylinder history of his conquests Son of Cyrus Expanded territory to include Egypt Scorned Egyptian religion Died after 8 yrs. left Persia fragile and full of revolts


7 Greek Literature Homer: - Iliad and Odyssey Epics Was Troy real?
Early Greek culture based on mythology In response to Dark Ages and lack of knowledge Sophocles: First writer of drama First tragedies Comedies (satires) Herodotus: - Father of History Thucydides: non-biased historical writing Why is this important?

8 Argued that knowledge comes from experience
Click Mouse Reveal Next Phase Greek Philosophers Applied human reason to explain the world. History of western philosophy Socrates: Condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens by encouraging them to think for themselves Plato: Wrote “The Republic” – set out the ideals for a perfectly governed society Warning to Athenians to respect law, leadership and education. Aristotle: Argued that knowledge comes from experience

9 Warring City-States City States (Mycenae, first)
Polis – with acropolis Tyrants: powerful leaders who took control Rivals: Sparta vs. Athens New Kind of Army Army recruits from merchants, artisans, small farmers – used cheap iron weapons Foot soldiers formed a: phalanx

10 Greek political structures
Monarchy State ruled by a king with unlimited rights Similar to totalitarianism Hereditary, rulers claim divine right Practiced in Mycenae Aristocracy State ruled by nobility Hereditary & land ownership Social status and wealth support rulers’ authority Practiced in Athens (594 BC)

11 Political Structures Direct Democracy Ruled by its citizens
Based on citizenship Limited to men Majority rule Practiced in Athens (461BC) Oligarchy Rule by a small group of citizens Based on wealth Ruling group controls military Practiced in Sparta

12 Sparta Oligarchy Peloponnesian Peninsula Conquered people:
Helots (serfs) Education: military training for boys, women managed homes and trained in sports Powerful army, little individual expression Sparta BUILDS A MILITARY STATE

13 Classical Art Persian Wars
Classical Art

14 Democracy & Greece’s Golden Age
1 Strengthen Athenian Democracy - paid public officials, increased their number 2 Hold & Strengthen the empire - built the largest navy Glorify Athens - beautified the city, Parthenon 3 Believed all people in society have a role to play – civic responsibility, equal treatment under the law Republic – people represented in the government Not all were citizens – what does that mean?

15 Olympics Created to foster connection between city-states
Track/Field, Wrestling Revival: 1896, Athens

16 Spartans vs. Athens @ Peloponnesian war
Athens lost because: Plague– 430 BC: killed 2/3 of population, even Pericles Athenian navy defeated (413 BC) & totally destroyed

17 Alexander the Great: The Empire
338 BC King Phillip of Macedonia conquered Greece Brought of city states under his control to build an empire 331 BC Defeated the Persians and Darius III in 3 battles at Anatolia 340 BC 335 BC 325 BC 320 BC 336 BC Alexander takes over at the age of 20 Begins 12 year campaign of conquest 323 BC Alexander dies at 32 years old After his death, empire divided into 3 parts

18 Hellenistic Culture here
Trade Centers Greek City of Alexandria Egyptian Middle Eastern Oriental Hellenistic Culture here Cultural Diversity Egypt

19 The Hellenistic Period:
Astronomy: Ptolemy – incorrectly said earth was center of solar system Erathosthenes calculated size of the earth (off -1%) Mathematics & Physics: Euclid: geometry Archimedes: value of pi & lever; pulley Realism Statues to honor gods, heroes, everyday life Largest: Colossus of Rhodes – bronze 100’ tall- 1 of 7 wonders of ancient world More realistic & emotional than classical sculpture Architecture – continues to influence Rome and even today

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