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Scientific Process Stacking Lab Preview. Scientific Process Labs in the past were graded on content of the unit, (ex. moon phases). Now labs are graded.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Process Stacking Lab Preview. Scientific Process Labs in the past were graded on content of the unit, (ex. moon phases). Now labs are graded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Process Stacking Lab Preview

2 Scientific Process Labs in the past were graded on content of the unit, (ex. moon phases). Now labs are graded on content and the excellent format of the scientific process. The good news, all my scientists are capable of writing excellent labs.

3 Scientific Process To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering observable and measurable evidence. Scientific method consists of the collection of data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.

4 Question or Problem Are Silly O’s or marshmallows more stackable? The question needs to be testable. You were given the question.

5 Research the Problem Describe any science information needed to solve the problem and how to collect information. 1. Definition of “Stack”: an ordered pile or heap. 2. Sometimes stacks are created by using a brick pattern which helps hold objects in place. 3. On a hay truck the bales are stacked in a pattern to help hold the entire load on the truck.

6 Explore Ideas Describe several ideas (3 minimum) that could solve the problem, including any useful scientific concepts. Examples: 1.Scrape silly O’s to make more flat, then stack. Pinch off the end of the marshmallows to make sticky and press together to stack. 2. Lick marshmallows so they are sticky, same with Silly O’s, then stack. 3. Stack marshmallows on a table until they fall over. Repeat with Silly O’s.

7 Plan Summary Which one of the ideas (listed above) will you use and why? Include a scientific reason. I will use: Stack marshmallows on a table until marshmallows fall over. Repeat with Silly O’s. Why? I believe this process will be the best way to measure the stackability of Silly O’s and marshmallows since objects will be free standing, able to recreate the trials and able to measure with repeated trials.

8 Variables Manipulated/Independent: Silly O’s and marshmallows Responding/Dependent: Number of Silly O’s and marshmallows I can stack. Control variables: Silly O’s and marshmallows Control group: None. Or Silly O’s OR marshmallows, but not both. Repeated trials: 14 times for accurate data.

9 Hypothesis If I stack Silly O’s and marshmallows vertically, then I believe the Silly O’s will be more stackable because Silly O’s have a larger diameter giving the Silly O’s a more stable base to build upon. If I stack Silly O’s and marshmallows vertically, then I believe the marshmallows will be more stackable because the marshmallows have a flat surface and cylinder shape, conducive to stacking straight up. (Not measuring height)

10 Materials Materials are not numbered but need to be in a column. You can turn your paper 90 deg. To easily make a list. -Silly O’s - Marshmallows

11 Procedure We have not learned how to write procedures at this point. This section is required but not graded and needs to have at least 5 numbered steps. 1.Gather materials 2. 3. 4. 5. Record data and clean up Use more steps if needed!

12 Data You need a chart with the following: - Title, top and center - Labeled columns - Use a ruler, align data - I did not know what “M” and “S” refers to without a Key -Neat organized writing - 15 trials

13 Analysis Mean Median Mode Outliers Show your work Neat and organized Needed both Silly O’s and marshmallows

14 Conclusion Need to restate your hypothesis and state if your data supported or did not support your hypothesis. Needed to explain your data, not just repeat the numbers. Example: My data did not support my hypothesis, (restate hypothesis here) I thought the marshmallows would be more stackable. My data shows the mean for the marshmallows was 3 marshmallows stacked but I had a mean of 9 for the Silly O’s. I did have one outlier for the Silly O’s which was 34 stacked Silly O’s, I believe this happened when my partner stacked the Silly O’s and used super glue.

15 Reflection If I were to do this lab again I would use jumbo marshmallows. I would do this for 2 reasons, one I believe the jumbo marshmallows would stack easier since the marshmallows would have a larger flat surface to build vertically upon (Scientific reason) and because I could eat the jumbo marshmallows after the trials.

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