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LANGUAGE ARTS JOURNAL - AUGUST Mrs. Atwell – 6 th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "LANGUAGE ARTS JOURNAL - AUGUST Mrs. Atwell – 6 th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 LANGUAGE ARTS JOURNAL - AUGUST Mrs. Atwell – 6 th Grade

2 DAY 1 – AUGUST 11 Instructions: Now that you have been in middle school for a week, what things did you wish that you would have known before you started. You need to write a full page in your composition notebook.

3 DAY 2 – AUGUST 12 Instructions: Using this picture as a reference, create a story about what you think happened.

4 DAY 3 – AUGUST 13 Instructions: Describe this person. You may want to include a description of him, his personality, what his profession is, and so on.

5 DAY 4 – AUGUST 14 Instructions: Watch this video and then write a full page about it.

6 DAY 5 – AUGUST 15 Instructions: Yesterday you watched this video and wrote about it. Today I want you to imagine that instead of dolphins following her they were sharks instead. How would this change your story.

7 DAY 6 – AUGUST 18 Instructions: Describe this picture with full details. Use very descriptive words.

8 DAY 7 – AUGUST 19 Instructions: Think of something that you would not normally eat but that would not be harmful to taste. Describe that item( without actually tasting it).

9 DAY 8 – AUGUST 20 Instructions: Watch and listen to this video. Describe what you see and hear.

10 DAY 9 – AUGUST 21 Instructions: Describe what it is like to walk on the beach near the water and then what it is like to walk on seashells.

11 DAY 10 – AUGUST 22 Preposition Quiz Today – No Journal Entry

12 DAY 11 – AUGUST 25 Preposition Quiz Today (Re-take due to school pictures) – No Journal Entry

13 DAY 12 – AUGUST 26 Instructions: Imagine you are walking with your dog through this meadow, describe the area to someone with whom you are talking to. You will need to describe what you see, hear, smell and feel.

14 DAY 13 – AUGUST 27 Gator vs Cat What do you think the gator is thinking about in this video? e_9QhJFSR0 e_9QhJFSR0

15 DAY 14 – AUGUST 28 Gator vs. Cat If you were a cat, would you approach an alligator like this? Or what would you do and why? m/watch?v=je_9QhJFSR0 m/watch?v=je_9QhJFSR0

16 DAY 15 – AUGUST 29 Many people in the last couple of weeks have been participating in the ALS cold water bucket challenge where they dump a large amount of ice cold water on themselves (sometimes with the help of others). What do you think it would feel like to have a large amount of cold water with ice dumped over your head? Explain how it would feel and what you think your reaction would be. Would you be upset, happy, mad, etc.?

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