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Prayer – is it more than talking to thin air? How can you tell? To describe experiences of God through prayer To explain what can be learnt about God from.

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Presentation on theme: "Prayer – is it more than talking to thin air? How can you tell? To describe experiences of God through prayer To explain what can be learnt about God from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prayer – is it more than talking to thin air? How can you tell? To describe experiences of God through prayer To explain what can be learnt about God from them To evaluate which prayer experience is the best way of knowing about God. Knowing God through Prayer

2 Watch the video. What did the girl learn about what God could do, through her prayer?

3 1.Write out and match up what prayer tells us about God 2.Which of these things could be the most important for someone who prays? Why? **If someone understood that God is all knowing, or always present in prayer, how would that change their attitude? 1.He is there, wherever we want to pray to Him. This shows that He is a spirit 2.He hears us and answers our prayers 3.After spending time with God you have a feeling of peace 4.He knows all our deepest feelings & thoughts without us having to explain them 5.He can answer our prayer 6.He stays with us and is on our side, when we pray Prayer shows that God is Cares for us because... Faithful because... Peace because.... All knowing because.... All powerful because.... All-present because..

4 How much do you think you can get to know God through prayer?

5 1. Describe (L4) the situation. 1. Where was Jesus vs.32, when did this happen ? 2. How was Jesus praying (what was he saying to God and how did he feel). Vs 33-36 3. What did Jesus say the third time to the disciples vs42? How was he different then? **How did prayer change Jesus? What could you say about God from the way He helped Jesus?

6 After his prayer in the garden, Jesus received courage, peace and wisdom to carry on. That was God’s “answer” to Jesus’ prayer. What sort of answers have you had from God when you prayed ? Think back and reflect.

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