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Attempt to convince people to buy something or do something (using all types of media-print, billboard, paid announcements) Advertisement.

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Presentation on theme: "Attempt to convince people to buy something or do something (using all types of media-print, billboard, paid announcements) Advertisement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attempt to convince people to buy something or do something (using all types of media-print, billboard, paid announcements) Advertisement

2 Good Advertisements Hook- grab your attention with a memorable slogan, attention grabbing image, or catchy jingle Clearly presents a concept/main message Images- uses pictures/video Words- Vivid persuasive language Multimedia techniques (such as music) appeal to a specific audience Supports claims

3 Audience Identifies target audience- age (under 5, 5-7, 8-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25, etc., retirement over 55) male or female Single/married Parents Income level Uses age appropriate language Images- Design/color scheme, models

4 Purpose Buy product Buy service Take action

5 Appeal Appeal - in rhetoric, the means of persuasion in an argument. According to Aristotle, there are three fundamental appeals to convince a person: Mom, please buy this for me! reason (logos) I NEED this! ethics (ethos) It will help me be organized. emotion (pathos) I’ll love you forever.

6 Techniques Endorsements/Testimonial- celebrity or well-known figure of that specialty “recommends the product/service” Counter-arguments- anticipates and responds to the views and possible concerns of audience (political campaigns, cable ads) Facts- statistics, data, success rate Repetition- repeating information, slogan, or brand over and over Bandwagon appeal - a persuasive technique used in media messages that appeals to the “everyone is doing it” mentality.

7 Techniques Exaggeration- unrealistic claims about the successfulness of a product or service Contradiction- refuting the claims of competitor Misleading statement- leading message without directly lying Sentimental appeal- image or statements that appeal to emotions Scare tactic- nearly threatening the consumer False authority - use of authority instead of evidence


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