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Cleveland 9 Essential Question: How did the Ottoman Military perform during WWI?

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1 Cleveland 9 Essential Question: How did the Ottoman Military perform during WWI?

2  Nov. 2, 1914 Ottomans enter the war on the side of Germany.  Declared a Holy War by the Sultan  Believed it would be a short war  Involving only Russia, Austria-Hungary and Germany  Russia would be defeated and Ottomans would gain territory  Eastern Anatolia campaign  Led by Enver Pasha 1914-1915  Reckless offensive that devastated the army and left it open to counter attack by the Russians in 1915.  Russians pushed Ottomans back  The Ottomans settled into a defensive position until 1917.

3  Gallipoli campaign February 1915  What were the British and French goals at Gallipoli?  What were the results of the Gallipoli? Offensive move by both France and Britain Objective was to open the Dardanelles and capture Istanbul. Give allies access to Russia Cut Ottomans off from Germany. Ottoman land artillery held off Allied naval attack 200,000 French and British soldiers landed Mustafa Kemal and the Ottomans held off the attack. Allies were forced to evacuate in January 1916.


5  Persian Gulf Campaign  What were the British and French goals for the Persian Gulf Campaign?  What were the results of the Persian Gulf Campaign? British wanted to secure India and gain access to the oil fields. 1914 British were successful and reached Bagdad. 1915 an Ottoman counter attack drove the British back to Kut and forced a surrender in 1916. March 1917 British launched a second offensive captured Bagdad and brought southern Iraq under British control.

6  Syrian Campaign  What were the goals of the Syrian Campaign?  After Jamal was unsuccessful he became suspicious Arab leaders.  He deported large numbers to Anatolia  He arrested Arab nobles for treason, tried them in military tribunals.  11 were hung in 1915 and 20 were shot in 1916 all of whom were prominent Arabs.  Jamal may have caused anti-CUP sentiments but any anti- Ottoman movements were suppressed. January 1915 Jamal Pasha led 80,000 to the Sinai Peninsula in hopes of capturing the Suez Canal. The Ottomans almost captured the canal but were driven back.

7  What were the results of the Syrian Campaign?  October 31, 1918 the Ottomans signed the Armistice of Mudros.  The Ottomans had been overstretched on too many fronts  The Ottoman army had 800,000 men in 1916 had only 100,000 in 1918.  After Russia withdrew in 1917 the Ottomans took back territory in the Caucasus but with the collapse of the Central Powers the Ottomans were forced to seek an armistice British moved troops to Egypt and in 1917 under and pushed into Palestine. In December 1917 the British took Jerusalem. In 1918 the Ottomans defenses stiffened..

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