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Earth Day Jeopardy. Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Day Jeopardy. Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Day Jeopardy

2 Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4 100 200 300 400 500

3 I am the three R’s. What am I?

4 Reduce Reuse Recycle

5 I blow out of chimneys and pollute the air. What am I?

6 smoke

7 I am the ground beneath you. I need to be protected so I will last for many more years. What am I?

8 Earth

9 When you’re brushing your teeth, you should turn me off until you’re ready to rinse. What am I?

10 water

11 I am something people read in the morning and I am recyclable. What am I?

12 newspaper

13 These are sold at stores and people place their items in them to take home. By using these, we help the planet. What am I?

14 Reusable bags

15 When you leave a room, you should turn me off. What am I?

16 The lights

17 I get you where you need to go, but when your foot is on the gas, I pollute the road. What am I?

18 a car

19 I am a mammal that is an expert at polluting the earth, but I can also help protect it. What am I?

20 people

21 I am a great place to dry your clothes because I do not use electricity. What am I?

22 Outside on a clothesline

23 I am a recyclable item that is often found in oceans, ponds, and streams. When eaten by fish, I make them sick. What am I?

24 Plastic

25 I am the clear gas that people breathe. What am I?

26 oxygen

27 I often harm many oceans animals when spilled in the ocean. What am I?

28 oil

29 People plant me on arbor day. I grow to be very tall and am usually brown and green. I give people oxygen. What am I?

30 trees

31 I provide energy and can be used to heat homes with solar panels. What am I?

32 The sun

33 My waste pollutes the water near farmland. What am I?

34 Farm animals

35 I can hold water again and again. I am something that you can carry around with you. What am I?

36 Water bottle/thermos

37 I am something old that can be made into something new…like a purse, a jacket, or even an art project. What am I?

38 Recyclable items

39 People sometimes place me on their lawns because I help plants grow, but I pollute the water. What am I?

40 fertilizer

41 If you use these more and your car less, then you will not only help the planet, but you’ll also get into shape. What am I?

42 A bike

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