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Analyzing Different Viewpoints Persuasive Writing Grade 4 – Language Arts Mr. Luvera.

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1 Analyzing Different Viewpoints Persuasive Writing Grade 4 – Language Arts Mr. Luvera

2 Goals of Persuasive Writing Bring an “undecided” audience around to the writer’s point of view Convince an audience with an opinion contrary to the writer’s to “switch sides”

3 Stating Opinions Different people may look at the same situation in different ways. There may be a lot of different opinions on the same subject.

4 TASK Develop a paragraph presenting the YES and NO sides. Writing guidelines: The topic sentence rewords the original question to make it a statement. The follow-up sentences state the pro and con reasons objectively.

5 Students have different opinions about whether our school cafeteria should have snack and soda machines. Many students feel that the machines are necessary for kids who get hungry in the middle of the afternoon or for kids who don’t like cafeteria lunches. Pro-machine students also think that school visitors would appreciate the machines. However, many other students are against having vending machines in the school. These students note that the snacks and sodas are not nutritional, have a lot of sugar in them, and are very expensive. Anti-machine students also feel that vending machines are a possible source of litter around our school.

6 CRITERIA Is the issue stated clearly in the first sentence? Are the pro and con positions stated clearly and given “equal time”? Is the paragraph objective? That is, does it avoid telling what side of the argument the writers favor?

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