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SAGE Research Methods (SRM) is an award winning tool designed to assist researchers, faculties and students with their research projects 2011 Magnum Opus.

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Presentation on theme: "SAGE Research Methods (SRM) is an award winning tool designed to assist researchers, faculties and students with their research projects 2011 Magnum Opus."— Presentation transcript:


2 SAGE Research Methods (SRM) is an award winning tool designed to assist researchers, faculties and students with their research projects 2011 Magnum Opus Gold Award for Best Navigation 2011 Apex Award for “One-of-a-Kind” Electronic and Web Publication Highly recommended for libraries by CHOICE

3 SRM Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SAGE Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more. With SAGE Research Methods, researchers can explore their chosen method across the depth and breadth of content, expanding or refining their search as needed; read online, print, or email full-text content; utilize suggested related methods and links to related authors from SAGE Research Method's robust library and unique features; and even share their own collections of content through Methods Lists.

4 SRM Content ● 175,000+ pages of book, journal and reference and major works material ● Over 720+ books, 26 videos and over 1,400 qualitative, quantitative, mixed method topics ● Little Green & Blue Books series available online exclusively on SRM ● Methods Map: A visual search tool supported by a unique, complex taxonomy of research methods terms, methodologies, and people in the field. ● 54 new titles including 4 major works and 20 new videos will be added in 2013 SRM Product Features ● Easy to use navigation tools ● Faceted search tools to refine or extend your search into related topic areas. ● SRM Lists ● Integration with Methodspace ● About this Title / Author ● Book landing pages including key information on all books ● Library Admin: MARC Records, COUNTER reports, IP set up, Alerts, Open URL compliance, DOI for book chapters ● Links of free web resources We built a powerful & sophisticated search tool to support you as you move through the site and discover content The product is unique & dynamic and will evolve year on year in response to user and library needs In 2014 500 Case studies would be added at low cost

5 There are 150 groups and over 14,000 researchers Take a look at videos that others have been posting about their research, or upload one yourself to share with others: Connect with others on the site by discussing your research, reading about theirs, and posing and answering questions:

6 How can SRM Help? Learn how to design a research project Discover new methods to use in their research Share content with colleagues and research partners Watch a Video that answers key questions about research methods

7 What does SRM do? Answer methods questions - Beginning of the project - Literature Search - Review - Research Design - Data collection - Analysis - Writing Up

8 SRM Demo Online

9 Case Study – Reference Librarian Task: Helping a patron with a research project Approach: Guiding users to SRM as a tool for all research methods Routinely gets questions on research methods from researchers of all methods

10 Case Study – Reference Librarian Task: Helping a patron with a research project Approach: Guiding users to SRM as a tool for all research methods Routinely gets questions on research methods from researchers of all methods

11 Case Study – Reference Librarian Directs users to SRM then guide them through the search For new researchers, focus on the dictionary and encyclopedia content -> until they have an understanding of their method. To choose a method, use the Methods Map and branch out from a more general search term, OR search SRM Lists to see how other users have approached certain methods

12 Case Study - Reference Librarian SRM’s videos are also excellent resources for new researchers. Guide users to the FAQ and tutorials for additional help. For advanced researchers, narrow in on a more specific term. Exclude dictionaries and encyclopedias and delve into books or journal articles.

13 Case Study - Undergraduate Researcher: Jeff, 22 years old, undergraduate in Sociology Research project topic: Explore how people in different cultures share good and bad news with each other Approach: The professor has asked that all students incorporate conversation analysis into their research projects

14 Selection of Methodology Methodology: Qualitative Research

15 How can SRM Help? Learning background information about conversation analysis as a methodological approach Understanding the differences between conversation analysis and discourse analysis Branching out (through the Methods Map) to learn about transcripts and their relationship to conversation analysis Viewing examples of conversation analysis being used in current research

16 Demo Go to and search “conversation analysis” (type slowly so you can show the auto complete text) Scroll down the list of results to show our first glance results and content type (book chapters, books, little green books, etc.) On the right hand side, refine your results to “encyclopedias” (remember, Adam is an undergrad and wants to understand the basics before moving on) and click “go”

17 Demo Scroll down to show complete chapter is there Scroll over the cite, print, download tools Jeff reads through the relevant chapters (click on the chapter “Conducting the Survey”) This text is extremely helpful to him ‐ save the book to a list and print the current chapter

18 Demo Click print and show the pdf format, complete with accurate page number and citation information, then exit On the book page, click “add to Methods List” and choose “add book” If you’re not already signed in, you’ll either need to sign in with your account or take this opportunity to walk the customer through setting up an account

19 Demo Mouse over a few of the abstracts, browsing the contents, and then click on the first result, Lewis-Beck, et al’s SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods Show book chapter, encyclopedia information, table of contents Scroll down to show complete chapter is there Print, cite, email, and download tools Scroll over the cite, print, download tools

20 Demo Jeff is just beginning his project and doesn’t have time to read all the background information about the origins of conversation analysis, but he decides to print a copy to read between classes and add the entry to a list Click print and show the HTML print format, complete with accurate page number and citation information, then go back to encyclopedia entry page On the encyclopedia entry page, click “Add to Methods List” at top of screen and choose the option “Add Chapter”

21 Case Study - Postgraduate Researcher: Cecilia, 31 years old, Masters in Public Health Research project topic: Violence against women in India Approach: Exploring the extent to which domestic violence is a contributor to physical and mental ill health of women in rural India and suggesting an effective response to the problem, despite cultural norms and attitudes that promote acceptance of violence against women

22 Selection of Methodology Methodology: Mixed Methods Focus groups, interviews and questionnaires amongst married women aged 18 – 35 years in rural India Quantitative study of women’s health and domestic violence from the World Health Organisation Summary of current laws in India that protect women from domestic violence and abuse

23 How can SRM Help? General information on mixed methods research Administering a focus group Writing up research collected from the focus group, interviews, and questionnaires Cecilia knows she wants to use a focus group as part of her research, and wants tips on administering a focus group

24 Demo Go to and type in “focus groups” in the quick search box (type slowly so you can show the auto complete text) Scroll down the list of results to show our first glance results and content types Click on the book “Developing Focus Group Research” Show book chapter, basic information, table of contents Scroll down to show complete chapter is there

25 Demo As Cecilia scrolls down to read the introductory chapter, she notices a section on “Combining focus groups with quantitative methods” – knowing that she also wants to use a questionnaire as a quantitative method in her research, she thinks this book could be very useful in planning her research Click the “Back to top” button to go to the top of the page to take advantage of print, and download tools

26 Demo As she gets back to the top of the page, Cecilia sees the full table of contents on the right-hand side of the page and notices relevant chapters on sensitive topics, feminist research, and meaningful participation in social research. With so many relevant topics, Cecilia decides to add the entire book to her Methods List, click the “add to Methods List” drop down and click the “Add book” link

27 Demo If you’re not already signed in, you’ll either need to sign in with your account or take this opportunity to walk the customer through setting up an account (It would be helpful to have list called “Focus Groups” set up in advance to demonstrate a user who is familiar with SRM) Now Cecilia wants to find some information on questionnaires, so she types “questionnaire” in the quick search box at the top of the page. She uses the new “drag & drop” feature to drag relevant search results into her Methods List on questionnaires

28 Demo With SAGE Research Methods, Cecilia know she has access to resources that will give her background information and practical ways to implement qualitative (focus groups) and quantitative methods (questionnaires) in her research project on violence against women in rural India














42 Presented by Rosalia da Garcia Twitter: RosaliadaGarcia

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