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1 Research in Nursing Introduction to Web-Based Resources at the Kean University Library.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Research in Nursing Introduction to Web-Based Resources at the Kean University Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Research in Nursing Introduction to Web-Based Resources at the Kean University Library

2 2 This guide covers the following topics: How to search for books in the Kean for books How to search for specific journals by for specific journals How to search for journal articles by for journal articles How to contact a Reference Librarian if you need

3 3 Begin your research by going to the Kean University Library home page at:

4 4 How to Search for Books x x Click Books, E-books, Videos, & More to access the Kean Catalog. Click here.

5 5 The Kean Catalog may be searched by keyword, author, title, and subject. Scroll down to see more searching options.

6 6 For example, to find books about transcultural nursing, type these keywords in the Find This search box, then click Search. Enter your keywords, then click Search. The Search button is toward the bottom of the screen.

7 7 Examine the search results list for titles of interest. Make note of the library location and call number. Click the title to view the complete record. Books located in the Main Collection may be checked out if the Status is Available.

8 8 How to Search for Specific Journals by Title x Journals, magazines, and newspapers are all types of periodicals. To locate a specific journal, go to the Library’s home page, then click Periodicals List. Click here.

9 9 Click Periodicals List to access a searchable list of the Kean University Library’s journal subscriptions.

10 10 Check if the Library subscribes to the American Journal of Nursing by typing this title into the Quick Search box, then click Go. Type a journal title, then click Go.

11 11 If the journal title appears in the search results, this means that the Library subscribes to the periodical and full-text articles are available. A checkmark under Print Holdings means that the Library has the journal in print or microform. Click the checkmark to access the journal’s Kean Catalog record for detailed location information.

12 12 A checkmark under Full Text Access means that the journal is available online through the database(s) indicated below the title. Make note of the date range available. Click the database name to access the database. When off campus, you will be prompted to enter your Library Barcode number.

13 13 How to Search for Journal Articles by Subject x From the Library home page, click Articles & More to access the Databases and search for journal articles on a particular topic. Click here.

14 14 You will get a screen that looks like this: If you are looking for a particular database, click the first letter of the database’s name on the alphabetical Jump to menu. For instance, click the letter C on the Jump to menu to access CINAHL with Full Text.

15 15 If you are not sure which database you should choose, scroll down to the Databases Listed by Format and Subject section, then click the appropriate format or subject. Scroll down under the Databases Listed by Format and Subject heading, then click Health Sciences to access a list of databases relevant for nursing.

16 16 Under the heading Health Sciences, click Medicine, Nursing & Allied Health to access a list of databases that provide health-related articles. The CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature) databases are key resources for nursing literature. Click CINAHL with Full Text.

17 17 When you are off-campus, after you click a database name you will be asked to type your Kean Library Barcode. You can get a Kean Library Barcode by bringing your Kean photo ID card to the Circulation Desk in the Nancy Thompson Library. Type the Barcode without spaces, then click Enter.

18 18 The database defaults to the Basic Search screen. Either type keyword search terms in the search box, click Advanced Search to access the Advanced Search screen, or click CINAHL Headings to access the database thesaurus. Your keywords may be typed here. Alternatively, switch to the Advanced Search form or to the CINAHL Headings thesaurus.

19 19 Perform focused searches by utilizing CINAHL Headings (a thesaurus of subject headings). Each article record in the database contains one or more subject headings, which correspond to the article’s subject focus. CINAHL Headings is a good option when you must find articles that discuss how to critique nursing research articles. Click CINAHL Headings.

20 20 To find articles that discuss how to critique nursing research articles: 1. Type nursing research in the search box. 2. Make sure Relevancy Ranked is selected. 3. Click Browse. In the search box, type: nursing research Make sure Relevancy Ranked is selected, then click Browse.

21 Click the checkbox next to the heading Research, Nursing to display more information about this heading. 21 Click the checkbox next to Research, Nursing.

22 22 The blue section on the right shows the Subheadings available for the CINAHL heading “Research, Nursing.” Select the subheadings that are relevant for your research. Click the checkbox next to Evaluation/EV in order to focus on the evaluation (critique) of nursing research.

23 23 On the far right-hand side of the screen, select the checkbox below the words Major Concept, then click Search Database to run a search for articles in which the evaluation (critique) of nursing research is a major focus. First click the checkbox below Major Concept, then click Search Database.

24 24 Scroll down to view the results list, which includes articles that focus on evaluation (critiques) of nursing research. Click any article title to access the article’s citation and abstract (summary). Click the title to see the article’s citation and abstract.

25 25 When you see a link for HTML Full Text, PDF Full Text, or Linked Full Text, this means that the database is providing access to the full-text article. Sometimes CINAHL provides links to full- text articles. Simply click the link to access the article.

26 26 When there is no link for full text, click the TOUR button to check the Periodicals List automatically and find out whether or not the journal is available through a different database or as part of the Library’s print holdings. Click TOUR. We need to find out if the Library subscribes to Nurse Educator. This article was published in May-June 2001 in Volume 26, Issue 3.

27 27 The TOUR result will indicate whether or not you will be able to Get full text for this citation from one of the Library’s other databases. The result shown above indicates that the article from Nurse Educator is available in full-text format from the Ovid (Nursing Collection 2 – Lippincott Premier Nursing Journals) database. Click From Ovid… to access full-text articles from this journal.

28 28 In some cases you will be taken directly to the full-text article. Click the full-text link to view the article. Click Article as PDF to view the full-text article.

29 29 Scroll down until you see the Table of Contents link for Volume 26 (3) May/June 2001. In other cases you will not be taken directly to the full-text article, but instead will have to browse for the volume and issue number in which the article was published.

30 30 Click Table of Contents for Volume 26(3) May/June 2001. For this example, click the Table of Contents link for the volume and issue number in which the article was published.

31 31 The articles are listed in page number order. Scroll down until you see your article of interest, which begins on page 136 (the title is “Mastering Research Critique and Statistical Interpretation: Guidelines and Golden Rules”). Click the Ovid Full Text link to access the full- text article.

32 32 On some occasions, when you click the TOUR button you might find out that the journal is not available through a different database or as part of the Library’s print holdings. For this example, we need to find out if the Library subscribes to Practice Development in Health Care. This article was published in 2005. Click the Tour button.

33 33 If the TOUR result indicates Sorry, no full text sources have been identified for this citation, this means that the article is not available to you in full-text online format through the Library. A search for Practice Development in Health Care yields no results. If present, click Search TDNet Journal Manager to search the Periodicals List one last time and possibly find out some additional helpful information.

34 34 You might discover more information that explains why you have not found a full-text link to an article. Full-text access to articles published in Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing starts in June 2005. Therefore, if you need an article published in March-May 2005, you would not get full-text access through the databases. For this example, this journal is not available in print in the Library, since there is no checkmark under the Print Holdings column.

35 35 If you are not able to access an article either online or in print, you may request a photocopy of the article through Interlibrary Loan. Go to the Library’s home page, then click Interlibrary Loan to access the Student – Interlibrary Loan Request Form.

36 36 Where to go for help: Call a Kean University Reference Librarian at 908-737-4618. E-mail the “Ask a Reference Librarian.” Go to the Library’s home page, click Ask a Librarian, then click E-mail. Visit a Reference Librarian in the Kean University Library. Consult the Frequently Asked Questions. Go to the Library’s homepage, click FAQ.

37 37 Copyright © 2010, Kean University Library. Created by Linda Cifelli and Caroline Geck. Updated by Linda Cifelli, September 15, 2010.

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