ASU Rosters for Roster Contacts Class Roster ASR Roster Grade Roster Grade Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "ASU Rosters for Roster Contacts Class Roster ASR Roster Grade Roster Grade Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASU Rosters for Roster Contacts Class Roster ASR Roster Grade Roster Grade Changes

2 ASU Rosters for Roster Contacts ASU Rosters are used by Roster Contacts to: Use the Class Roster to view and email students Use the ASR Roster to notify poorly-performing students of their grade status and corrective actions Use the Grade Roster to enter final grades and request grade changes.

3 Requesting Access To access ASU Rosters, Roster Contacts must request access for the SR Roster Contacts role. Full details are available at: Click on the link “How to Become a Roster Contact”

4 Access ASU Rosters – via PeopleSoft There are two ways to access ASU Rosters as a Roster Contact. Method 1: Via the PeopleSoft Interface Log into with your ASURITE ID and Password Navigate –ASU Customizations>ASU Student Records> Roster Contacts>Faculty Center

5 Access ASU Rosters – via My ASU There are two ways to access ASU Rosters as a Roster Contact. Method 2: Via My ASU Log into My ASU ( with your ASURITE ID and Password Click on “Roster Contacts” in the “Teaching and support tools” box Click on “PeopleSoft Faculty Center Log In” link

6 Search for Classes Search for your classes by filling in the search criteria. ID and Name are of the instructor. Institution is ASU00 Career and Term – enter them to focus (and speed up!) your search Subject and Catalog Nbr (example: ENG and 101 for English 101) Class Nbr = 5 digit number When you have set your search criteria, click “Search”

7 Select a Class Click on the row for the class you want. Note that if you leave search criteria blank, your list of classes will include all possible matches for that item. For example, if you don’t include a “term” you will get classes for all terms that match your other criteria. Instructor ID and Name

8 Class List – Change Term Change Term Change Term – Change the term you selected via this button. Note: Terms prior to fall 2006 were not converted as individual sections with instructors, and are therefore not available to instructors via the faculty center. These classes are available to Roster Contacts.

9 Class List - Download Download list of classes The Download icon will download an excel spreadsheet with a list of classes begin taught that term. Note: Browser settings can affect your ability to successfully perform downloads.

10 Class List – View Class Detail Class Detail view details about a class by clicking on the “class” information.

11 Class List – Class Detail Clicking on the class title will display the course information. Click “close” to return to the class list.

12 Class List – Launch Class Roster Class Roster Click on this icon to see the class roster. From here, you can email students in the class.

13 Class List – Launch ASR Roster ASR The Academic Status Report allows you to identify students who extra need help succeeding in the class.

14 Class List – Launch Grade Roster Grade Roster View and submit final grades here.

15 Class Roster – Posting IDs The Class Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the previous screen. The class roster displays all students in the class as defined by the selected enrollment status Posting IDs The posting ID is automatically created from the student’s other IDs.

16 Class Roster – Email Students The Class Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the previous screen. The class roster displays all students in the class as defined by the selected enrollment status Email Students Email individual, groups or all students using these buttons

17 Class Roster - Email Students Send emails to individual, selected or all enrolled students. The email will be sent to you for your records (these emails will not appear in your ‘sent’ mailbox). A blind copy is sent to each student (this prevents students from seeing other student names in the email they receive). To send an email to individual student, click on their name.

18 Class Roster - Download The Class Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the previous screen. The class roster displays all students in the class as defined by the selected enrollment status Download Class Roster You can download the class roster to excel.

19 Class Roster - Download The Download feature allows you to download a spreadsheets of your class list, a class roster or a grade roster by clicking on the icon. : Note that you must set your browser to allow downloads from PeopleSoft. Instructions are at:

20 Class Roster - Print The Class Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the previous screen. The class roster displays all students in the class as defined by the selected enrollment status Print the Roster Create a printer- friendly version of the roster.

21 Class Roster - Print Select this option to display a class roster best suited for printing.

22 ASR Roster This roster lets you identify and notify students who are not doing well in class. The roster is only editable for small portions of time at the 1st and 2nd third of a semester. Helpful information is at

23 ASR Roster – Reporting Option This roster lets you identify and notify students who are not doing well in class. The roster is only editable for small portions of time at the 1st and 2nd third of a semester. Helpful information is at Reporting Option Select an option to activate the rest of the fields. Letter Grades Apply letter grades Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Apply S/U grades All Students Satisfactory Select this option to pre-populate the grade of S for all students, then change the grades for the students who are rated as unsatisfactory.

24 ASR Roster – Reporting Period This roster lets you identify and notify students who are not doing well in class. The roster is only editable for small portions of time at the 1st and 2nd third of a semester. Helpful information is at Reporting Period Status reports can be entered until 11:59pm on the end date. You can select the previous period from the drop down box – it will be view only.

25 ASR Roster This roster lets you identify and notify students who are not doing well in class. The roster is only editable for small portions of time at the 1st and 2nd third of a semester. Helpful information is at Grade/ Status Enter a grade (or status) for each student with a “D”, “E”, “EN” or “U” (Unsatisfactory) Grade. Use the grade/status of EN to report failure due to non-attendance.

26 ASR Roster This roster lets you identify and notify students who are not doing well in class. The roster is only editable for small portions of time at the 1st and 2nd third of a semester. Helpful information is at Reason and Action For each poorly-performing student, select a Reason and Recommended Action. This is not required, but is seen as helpful to the student.

27 ASR Roster This roster lets you identify and notify students who are not doing well in class. The roster is only editable for small portions of time at the 1st and 2nd third of a semester. Helpful information is at Save When you are done entering data, click on “Save”. The students will NOT be notified until the close of the ASR period. You can edit your choices until that point. Information about importing grades from an external file to your ASR roster is here: Center/JobAid_RosterContacts.pdf Center/JobAid_RosterContacts.pdf

28 Grade Roster The Grade Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the class list. The Grade Roster icon will appear beside a class when grade rosters have been generated for a class.

29 Grade Roster – Approval Status Approval Status The Approval Status begins as NOT REVIEWED. Set the approval status to one of the following: * NOT REVIEWED: use this status if you are entering/reviewing grades but you are not ready to post to the student's transcript. You can change the grades at anytime while in this status. * POST TONIGHT: use this status if you are ready to post grades to the student's transcript. The roster may be partially or completely graded. Grades will be posted to the student's transcript in a nightly batch process. * COMPLETE: If all the grades for a class are entered, set the status to COMPLETE. A POST button will appear at the bottom of the roster. When you click on POST, grades will be immediately posted to the student's transcript. Note that the status is automatically set to COMPLETE in a nightly batch process if grades for all students have been posted. A grade roster set to COMPLETE, but not posted immediately, will POST TONIGHT. The Grade Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the class list. The Grade Roster icon will appear beside a class when grade rosters have been generated for a class.

30 Grade Roster – Add Grade to All Add this grade to all If most of the students have the same grade, you can select a grade and assign it to all students and then change the grades for those students who have different grades. The Grade Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the class list. The Grade Roster icon will appear beside a class when grade rosters have been generated for a class.

31 Grade Roster - Grades Grade Select the grades for each student. Click Save at the bottom of the screen when you are done. The Grade Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the class list. The Grade Roster icon will appear beside a class when grade rosters have been generated for a class.

32 Grade Roster – Display Unassigned Display Unassigned Checking this box will display only the students who have unassigned grades – useful for large classes. The Grade Roster displays when you select this icon ( ) from the class list. The Grade Roster icon will appear beside a class when grade rosters have been generated for a class.

33 Grade Roster – Download & Import It is possible to download the grade roster, type in your grades and import the grades back into the class. 1.Download Grade Roster 2.“Save As…” an Excel or text file 3.Enter your grades into the file 4.Import the grades via the “Import Grades” link. Note: this is optional! Step-by-step instructions are at

34 Request a Grade Changes Two ways to ask for Grade Changes Grade change button – (appears in the grade roster when all grades are posted) Grade Change menu (for Roster contacts only) Navigation: ASU Customizations > ASU Student Records > Roster Contacts > Grade Change

35 Request a Grade Change Select new grade for student Type in reason Click Submit 1 change request / student / class at a time.

36 Grade Change – Check Status Check status of Grade changes from the request grade change page – Options are: –Requested –L1 Approve –Successfully Changed

37 Grade Change - Process What happens after you submit the grade change – –L1 Approver (Department) –L2 Approver (College) –Changes are immediately posted to the student’s record

38 Grade Change for Past Classes Instructor or Roster contact can request changes to classes of Fall of 06 and later Only Roster contacts can request changes for classes prior to Fall 06 – but they must use the grade change component – (not faculty center)

39 Helpful Links How to set your browsers for downloads How to check what roles you have in PeopleSoft Instructions for applying for access Link for applying for access (Roster Contacts)

40 Ongoing Communication For suggestions for improvements: Email – put “Faculty Center Suggestion” in the subject For immediate help, submit a help ticket Select Arizona State University for the organization, Select PeopleSoft for the category Type in a summary and description of your problem.

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