Poetry Terms Basic words and concepts to know when reading and writing poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Terms Basic words and concepts to know when reading and writing poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Terms Basic words and concepts to know when reading and writing poetry.

2 The Big Question…  What is poetry?  Suppose a 5 year old asks you define poetry…. What do you tell them?

3 Poetry is…  Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm

4 Poetry is…

5 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE  Metaphor –A comparison that does not use like or as  Simile –A comparison that does use like or as  Personification –Giving human qualities to non-living things  Symbolism –Something that represents something else

6 Figurative Language  Hyperbole: Exaggeration  Pun:A silly play on words  Idiom: Phrases that are not taken literally  Oxymoron:Words side by side that contradict or mean the opposite

7 Figurative Language:  Irony: Irony is something that has a different or ​ opposite ​ result from what is ​ expected – usually with a humorous or strange twist –Situational –Verbal –Dramatic

8 Types of Poems  Patterned/Non Rhyming –Cinquain -- contains 5 lines with a 2,4,6,8,2 pattern –Haiku – contains 3 lines and has 17 syllables (line 1 has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 and line 3 has 5)  Free Verse –Any poem that doesn’t rhyme or have a distinct pattern to follow

9 Types of Poems  Rhyming: –Lyric poem –Narrative Poem –Epic Poem –Ode Poem –Ballad –Sonnet

10 Poetry Terms  Prose  Every day reading and writing  Inferences  Guesses / Conclusions based on evidence  Alliteration  The repetition of a consonant sound  Stanza  Group of lines in a poem  Onamatopoeia  A sound of effect

11  End Rhyme  The rhyme happens at the end of the line  Internal Rhyme  The rhyme happens in the middle of the line  Rhyme Scheme  The rhyming pattern to a poem  Rhythm  The beat of the poem

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