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2 nd part of psychoanalysis + Trait theory #2 Ch 2 Sec 2 Pages 46-52.

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1 2 nd part of psychoanalysis + Trait theory #2 Ch 2 Sec 2 Pages 46-52

2 Objectives Analyze Carl Jung’s THEORY Discuss the Modern Study of Personality including Clustering Traits and the Big Five personality factors

3 Carl Jung (1875-1961) Freud’s “crown prince” But paternal attitude caused split Jung=Humans have a Collective Unconscious=Universal memories, symbols, images themes

4 Jung Cont. Ancient images called archetypes appear everywhere in literature, art and folklore Appear cross cultural Examples STAR WARS, Lord of the Rings, Wizard of Oz

5 One archtype

6 Same but different

7 Other Types of Archetypes Mother Father Birth Death/Evil (Shadow) F.E. Darth Vader The hero Trickster/magicians God Self

8 Personality Traits Objective #2 Objective tests (inventories) Standardized questionnaires= Written responses, multiple choice, true-false Provide information about needs, values, interests, self-esteem, emotional problems F.E.

9 Clustering Traits- Graphic Organizer #2Trait/Dispositional theory Gordon Allport 3 types of traits: central traits, secondary traits, cardinal traits Central: core of Personality; happy, sad Secondary: Attitudes, Preferences Cardinal: Greed, sadism, avarice (some people do not have them ) usually develop later

10 Raymond B. Cattell Factor analysis- Statistical method for personality traits Like adding water to flour Clustered or CORRELATED F.E. trait of assertiveness, willingness to tell a joke in a large group, like to meet new people might share common factor of EXTROVERSION

11 Big 5: Factor Analytical studies Extroversion vs. introversion= Outgoing or Shy Neuroticism (neg emotional) vs. Emotional stability= describes the extent of anxiety. Neurotic people worriers, complainers, defeatists Agreeableness vs. antagonism= Good natured or irritable

12 Big 5, LAST 2 Conscientiousness vs. impulsiveness = Responsible or undependable, persevering or give up easy, steadfast or fickle Open to experience vs. resistance to new experience= Curious, imaginative, questioning creative or conforming AS ALMOST ALWAYS NOT WHOLE PICTURE

13 Questions? Summary please Jung Object-Relation Big 5 Personality

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