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Module 32 Other Major Approaches to Personality: In Search of Human Uniqueness Chapter 10, Pages 390-400 Essentials of Understanding Psychology- Sixth.

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2 Module 32 Other Major Approaches to Personality: In Search of Human Uniqueness Chapter 10, Pages 390-400 Essentials of Understanding Psychology- Sixth Edition PSY110 Psychology © Richard Goldman November 8, 2006

3 Trait Theory Everyone posses the same traits but to different degrees The degree of traits can be quantified A set of “primary” traits can be use to describe someone Traits describe behavior – they do not explain it

4 Gordon Allport Trait Theory Classified traits into three basic categories:  Cardinal – Single trait that directs most of a persons activities  Central – A few (normally 5-10) traits the make the personality of a person  Secondary – Any other trait that may affect behavior in some situations

5 Raymond Cattell’s Trait Theory Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) Used factor analysis to develop a questionnaire to produce a profile made up of 16 pairs of opposing traits. Called the 16 pair of traits source traits Can be used to compare average scores for different groups.

6 Hans Eysenck’s Trait Theory Eysenck Scale Describes personality in three dimensions  Extraversion (Sociability) Sociable, Lively, Active, Assertive, Sensation- seeking  Neuroticism (Emotional Stability) Anxious, Depressed, Guilt feelings, Low self-esteem, Tense  Psychoticism (Distortion of Reality) Aggressive, Cold, Egocentric, Impersonal, Impulsive

7 Big Five Trait Theory Most influential trait theory approach today Valid across cultures Composed of five factors: 1. Openness 2. Conscientiousness 3. Extraversion 4. Agreeableness 5. Neuroticism (emotional stability)  Link to free assessment Link to free assessment

8 Learning Approaches to Personality Personality is the sum of learned responses Internal thoughts, feelings, and motivations are ignored. B. F. Skinner New behaviors can be learned

9 Social Cognitive Approaches to Personality Albert Bandura Emphasizes a persons:  Cognitions  Thoughts  Feelings  Expectations  Values Observation learning – We learn and develop our personality through viewing others.  We adopt behaviors that have positive outcomes Self-efficacy – Belief in ones personal capabilities  High aspiration, greater persistence, greater success  Acquired by evaluating our own successes and failures  Feedback loop modifies our behavior, personality, and environment Self-esteem – Positive or negative regard for self  Multi-dimensional (good student, poor athlete, etc.)  Continually cycling through highs and lows  Can affect performance

10 Biological and Evolutionary Approaches to Personality - Tellegen Important components of personality are inherited Supported by twin studies  Twins raised separately have similar results on personality tests Some personality traits seem to be inherited while others seem to be learned A persons temperament is evident in early childhood Correlation between specific genetic code and some behaviors  Long variety of the dopamine-4 receptor gene is associated with thrill seekers Genetically linked personality traits require an appropriate environment to develop

11 Humanistic Approach to Personality Carl Rogers & Maslow Emphasizes peoples basic goodness and tendency to grow Self-actualization – Realizing your highest potential Our desire to be loved and respected:  Makes us dependent on others  Judge ourselves through the eyes of others  Adopt their values  Become preoccupied with what they think  Discrepancy between you and them creates anxiety Unconditional Positive regard – accept and respect others regardless of their comments or actions  Helps reduce discrepancy between you and them

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