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TIMELINE: The Renaissance. The Renaissance The Renaissance embraced new movements, such as the advancement of humanistic and scientific knowledge and.

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Presentation on theme: "TIMELINE: The Renaissance. The Renaissance The Renaissance embraced new movements, such as the advancement of humanistic and scientific knowledge and."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIMELINE: The Renaissance

2 The Renaissance The Renaissance embraced new movements, such as the advancement of humanistic and scientific knowledge and an outburst of productivity in all the arts. Artists that flourished during the Renaissance: – Poets – Writers – Dramatists – Visual artists – Musicians

3 The Renaissance The humanistic scholars searched the monasteries and libraries for works that were neglected during the Middle Ages. An important invention of this period was the development of movable type – which made books more readily available to the masses

4 During The Renaissance Women enjoyed a higher place in society with such figures as: – Queen Elizabeth of England – Catherine de’ Medici of France – Caterina Sforza of Russia These women were all powerful rulers and important patrons of the arts

5 During The Renaissance The position of the Roman Catholic Church came under attack during the Renaissance. Martin Luther led the Reformation. Northern Germany, England, parts of Switzerland, and the Scandinavian countries supported the Reformation. Italy, Spain, France, and Austria remained loyal to Rome (the Catholic Church).

6 During The Renaissance The merchants and artisan classes broadened their position in society and became great patrons of the arts. The Renaissance saw momentous developments in knowledge, religion, exploration, and the arts. The Renaissance was truly a rebrith for humanity in the tradition of the ancient Greeks

7 The Renaissance The Renaissance brought a glorification of individual creativity to the artists of the period. Though the Pope and the nobility controlled the subject of art, artists were free to explore the scientific aspects of art such as: Proportion Anatomy Perspective Three-dimensional representation based on scientific study of man and nature

8 The Renaissance These studies resulted in delicate surface modulations in sculpture and the use of modeling in painting.

9 The Renaissance What artists did this? MICHELANGELO and Da VINCI!


11 Self Portrait

12 Drawing for the Libyan Sibyl, 1511

13 Leda and the Swan, 1520

14 Sistine Chapel, 1473- 1483 Vatican City, Rome

15 Sistine Chapel, 1473-1483 Vatican City, Rome

16 Sistine Chapel, 1473-1483 Vatican City, Rome

17 Sistine Chapel, 1473-1483 Vatican City, Rome

18 David, 1504


20 Pieta, 1499

21 Leonardo da Vinci

22 The Last Supper, 1495

23 Vitruvian Man, 1490

24 Mona Lisa, 1503

25 Self Portrait, 1510

26 Notebook, 1500




30 Tank, 1487

31 Crossbow, 1488

32 During The Renaissance The development of movable type made books available to a greater number of people.

33 In 1450, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press and independently developed a movable type system in Europe, along with innovations in casting the type based on a matrix and hand mould. – Matrix: a mold for casting a letter in hot metal typesetting – Hand mould: a two-part mould used in casting hand-made type Woodcuts were made to print illustrations to accompany printed texts.


35 During The Renaissance In painting and sculpture, especially in northern Europe, Renaissance humanism fused with theology was reflected in the art. Intense light and iridescent colors were used as expressive forces in paintings.

36 During The Renaissance In Italian cities, great emphasis was also placed on human values and the ideals of classical Greece and Rome. Many great cathedrals were completed, each reaching higher toward the heavens. basilica-rome#-271.85,-33.42,70.0 basilica-rome#-271.85,-33.42,70.0

37 Saint Peter’s Basilica, 1506 Rome, Italy

38 Saint Peter’s Basilica, 1506 Rome, Italy

39 Saint Peter’s Basilica, 1506 Rome, Italy

40 The Divine Michelangelo – Part 1 AXBvDtA AXBvDtA The Divine Michelangelo – Part 2 U8h_ig U8h_ig

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