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A spectacle is an unusual or interesting scene; a large public show; an object or derision or ridicule (From The English Dictionary) Spectacle is: Something.

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2 A spectacle is an unusual or interesting scene; a large public show; an object or derision or ridicule (From The English Dictionary) Spectacle is: Something that is referred to an event that is memorable for the appearance it creates an event that makes you feel part of it when your not Something can effect a person(s) emotionally Something that catches your eye or attention Something that you have not experience before Is something big, impressive and overpowering Can be false

3 Security cameras in Asian areas Student Protect Firework display Wagner from X factor Religious martial arts Blitz family day Coventry 9/11 Attacks Wrestling

4 9/11 attacks – footage shown in slow motion and in many different ways on all channels of the disturbing attacks on the twin towers in America Firework display (Diwali) – spectacular events that take place on Bon fire night and Diwali (Festival of light) Student Protest – the riots that took place in London over the student fees. A hole in your head documentary – a very disturbing documentary on people who drill a hole in their skull to expand the consciousness Hinderburg crash in 1937 – a short clip that was slowed down to show the effect of the giant airship called the ‘Hinderburg’ in 1937.

5 For my spectacle artefact I wanted to produce a film based on Bon fire night however I had a problem with that as the recording I did, didn’t turn out well. It was way to dark therefore I couldn’t use it. So I changed my original idea and thought of something else that interests me, that is when I though of a show that me brother was going to organise and asked if I could film it. The event was held at a private hall and was based on Sikh Martial arts called ‘Gatka’. I believe this is a spectacle because it makes you feel part of and as well as making you feel proud about your culture and religion. To me this event was an elaborate and remarkable display. I have a lot of footage from the event and am hoping to squeeze as much in as possible whilst editing.

6 Title and Pitch (A clear brief – which can be modified at a later date if necessary – but which gives clear idea of the nature of the project) The title for my spectacle artefact will be ‘Gatka’. Pitch (Sum up your idea in 2 lines. Include the genre, format, duration, usp (Unique Selling Point) and intended audience) For this artefact I have decided to take footage of an event that took place for a religious reason, it will be based on martial arts within Sikhism. It will be roughly 3 minutes long. Rationale (A brief description of the main issue/subject which your project will examine and the approach you intend to take) For my artefact I would like to produce a film on a religious form of martial arts. The approach I intend to take is going to the event, experience it myself and recording the footage.

7 For my artefact I wanted to record and edit a spectacular event, so this is what I did. I went out with a handy cam as it was too late for me to loan out a camera and recorded what I was watching and experiencing at this event. The main issue I wanted to raise through my artefact was providing awareness of religious martial arts within Western societies. Having finished my artefact I must admit I am happy with the outcome, however if I was given the chance to film this event again I would try get some backstage footage and insure the lighting is correct on stage so the footage does not look washed out. Overall I am happy with the outcome and really enjoyed it.

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