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Types of Cells BiologyBiology Modul C.  The Cell(lat. cellula) The structural, functional and biological unit of all organisms. (apart from viruses)organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Cells BiologyBiology Modul C.  The Cell(lat. cellula) The structural, functional and biological unit of all organisms. (apart from viruses)organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Cells BiologyBiology Modul C

2  The Cell(lat. cellula) The structural, functional and biological unit of all organisms. (apart from viruses)organisms The Cell Biology 1 Types of cells

3 Water -the universal solvent primarily due to its chemical and physical properties. Biomoleculs (DNA, proteins, polysaccharides, etc.) are dissolved in water. Carbohydrate – the source of energy, construction material, or reservoir of energy. Fats – the sources of energy, construction material. Proteins – construction, transmitting, storing, motoric, catalytic, controlling, regulatory and defensive function. Nucleic acids – carry the genetic information. Chemical make up of cells Biology 2 Types of cells

4 CYTOPLASM  substance inside a cell which surrounds the cell's nucleus Basic Cellular Organelle Biology 3 Types of Cells RIBOSOMES the site of protein synthesis CYTOMEMBRANE  Controls passage of substances in and out of the cell Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus united passages MITOCHONDRIA  Production of energy The Nucleus and a nuclear envelope  Contains the genetic material

5 BIOLOGY 4 Types of Cells Movements of Phospholipids: Horizontal Horizontal Rotary Rotary Movements of PROTEINS : migration,synthesis and extinction Movements of PROTEINS : migration, synthesis and extinction Vertical Vertical CYTOMEMBRANE

6 PROKARYOTIC CELL  evolutionary oldest cells  typical for bacteria  size approximately in units of  m  do not have a nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelles  neither their DNA nor any of their other sites of metabolic activity are collected together in a discrete membrane-enclosed area Prokaryotic and eukaryote cells Biology 5 Types of Cells EUKARYOTE CELL  typical for evolutionary younger cells  size in tens of  m  a variety of internal membranes and structures, called organelles  it has true nucleus

7 Cellular Nutrition BIOLOGY 6 Types of cells Autotrophic  transformation of inorganic to organic substances produces complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules using energy from light  Called: Photosynthesis  e.g. plant cells HETEROTROPHIC are unable to synthesize organic compounds to use as food the organism does not prepare its own food and is dependent on other organisms for food- depend on autotrophs for their nutrition 6 H 2 O + 6 CO 2 + energie C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2

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