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 Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.): Smooth and rough. Golgi Apparatus Nucleus with chromosomes Cell Organelles.

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Presentation on theme: " Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.): Smooth and rough. Golgi Apparatus Nucleus with chromosomes Cell Organelles."— Presentation transcript:

1  Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.): Smooth and rough. Golgi Apparatus Nucleus with chromosomes Cell Organelles

2  Mitochondria (plants and animals) Chloroplasts (plants only) Vacuoles (plants and animals) Lysosomes Ribosomes

3   Note: Refer to the cell pictures in your “Discovery of Cells” reading packet.  Allows the movement of materials, like PROTEINS, from one side of the cell to the other.  Acts as the “highway” for the movement of proteins throughout the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum

4  Two Types of ER:  Smooth ER with no ribosomes  Rough ER has ribosomes associated with it E.R.

5   Moves proteins throughout the cell  Packaging and distributing proteins and other materials for the cell  Golgi Apparatus, the ‘Post Office’ of the cell Golgi Apparatus

6   Surrounded by the nuclear envelope  Location of the chromsomes  Stores the hereditary information or blueprint for life  Nucleic Acids in the form of DNA are found in the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell Nucleus

7   Location for the manufacture of proteins  Found on ER and called Rough ER (R for Rough ER)  Also found in the cytoplasm of cells Ribosomes

8   Energy production and storage  Organelle where ATP is made using the Krebs cycle  Contain their own DNA  Have a double walled membrane Mitochondria

9   Found only in plants  Location of photosynthesis  Pigment (lipid) called chlorophyll Chloroplasts

10   Storage and removal of wastes from the cell  Storage of water for plants, called central vacuole  Found in plants and animals  Much larger in plants  1 vacuole in plant cells, several in animal cells Vacuoles

11   Location of enzymes or lipids to make chemical reactions go faster  Break down proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates  Digest and recycle cell’s used material Lysosomes

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