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Uniting Nations – by force History 104 / March 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Uniting Nations – by force History 104 / March 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uniting Nations – by force History 104 / March 6, 2013

2 Napoleon III’s adventures

3 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1864-67 (painting by E. Degas)

4 The Boulevards of Paris

5 Creating the Boulevards

6 Count Camillo di Cavour Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia, 1852-1861

7 Victor Emanuel II King of Piedmont- Sardinia, 1849-1861 King of Italy, 1861-1878

8 Where is Piedmont- Sardinia? (in salmon)

9 France and Piedmont at war with Austria, 1859

10 Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)


12 The German customs union (1834) under Prussian domination

13 Otto von Bismarck Chancellor of Prussia, 1862-1890 Chancellor of the German Empire, 1871-1890

14 Wilhelm I King of Prussia, 1861-1888 German Emperor, 1871-1888

15 Three wars in seven years 1. Austria & Prussia vs. Denmark, 1864

16 2. Prussia vs. Austria and a coalition of smaller German states, 1866 The battle of Königgrätz (July 3, 1866)


18 Three wars in seven years 3. The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71 here: the French surrender at Sedan, Sept. 1, 1870

19 The German Empire proclaimed, Jan. 18, 1871


21 Austria-Hungary after the compromise of 1867 pink = Austrian red = Hungarian

22 Emperor Franz Joseph and his officers: a world of uniforms and elegance?

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