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Mind Map act as Chemical substances found in the organisms act as make up importance play important roles in organic substances carbohydrates 1. fuels.

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Presentation on theme: "Mind Map act as Chemical substances found in the organisms act as make up importance play important roles in organic substances carbohydrates 1. fuels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mind Map act as Chemical substances found in the organisms act as make up importance play important roles in organic substances carbohydrates 1. fuels 2. food stores 3. structural materials in plants fats 1. energy stores 2. structural material of cell membrane proteins 1. structural components of cells 2. fuel nucleic acids genes inorganic substances water 1. solvent 2. medium of transport 3. reactant 4. cooling agent 5. supporting agent 6. transport of gametes in sexual reproduction 7. temperature maintenance minerals metabolism

2 Mind Map consist of working together to form working together to form working together to form can be observed with contain contains function are used in which are Cells microscope control cells’ activities respiration non-living granules food or waste materials chloroplasts ( in plant cells only ) photosynthesis support the cells control of materials in and out of the cell support and prevent entry of excess water mitochondria Animal cellsPlant cells nucleus chromosomes cytoplasmvacuole cell sap cell membranecell wall tissues organs system

3 Mind Map Metabolism substances move across cell membrane by includes have one or more nature properties activity is affected by can be explained by can be speeded up by 1. diffusion 2. active transport 3. osmosis 1. anabolism 2. catabolism enzyme active sites1. biological catalysts 2. protein 1. temperature 2. pH 1. reusable 2. specific 3. reversible 4. small amount is enough lock-and-key hypothesis

4 Mind Map a tool for classification Diversity of organisms the order of biological classification kingdom phylum class order family genus species dichotomous key

5 Mind Map can be classified into Diversity of organisms a non-cellular entity is also called classified into 1. prokaryotae2. protoctista3. fungi4. plantae non-flowering plants mosses ferns gymnosperms flowering plants angiosperms monocotyledons dicotyledons 5. animalia invertebratesvertebrates 1. fishes 2. amphibians 3. reptiles 4. birds 5. mammals viruses

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