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III.Nationalism. A.Nationalism – cultural identity of people based on common language, history, religion, or national symbols. 1.Positive or negative.

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Presentation on theme: "III.Nationalism. A.Nationalism – cultural identity of people based on common language, history, religion, or national symbols. 1.Positive or negative."— Presentation transcript:

1 III.Nationalism

2 A.Nationalism – cultural identity of people based on common language, history, religion, or national symbols. 1.Positive or negative reasons. 2.Loyalty.

3 COMPARING IDEOLOGIES Liberalism(Democracy)Socialism (Communism/ Marxism) NationalismConservatism civil liberties, religioustolerance, uses a constitution property and distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community common institutions, traditions, language, customs tradition,socialstability, obedience to politicalauthority

4 B.Revolutions of 1848 – Nearly 50 different revolts in Europe. 1.Main reason was nationalism.

5 Revolutions of 1848: Nearly 50 revolutions swept over Europe.

6 Map of Austria-Hungary. AUSTRIA: 1 - Bohemia, 2 - Bukovina, 3 - Carinthia, 4 - Carniola, 5 - Dalmatia, 6 - Galicia, 7 - Kustenland, 8 - Lower Austria, 9 - Moravia, 10 - Salzburg, 11 - Silesia, 12 - Styria, 13 - Tirol, 14 - Upper Austria, 15 -Vorarlberg. HUNGARY: 16 - Hungary, 17 - Croatia and Slavonia; 18 - Bosnia & Herzegovina. Austria-Hungary In 1848

7 The Colors of the Nation, by Claude Monet.Nationalistic

8 C.England ’ s Victorian Age (1837-1901). 1.Queen Victoria – Longest reign in English history. The Victorian Age marked the height of the British industrial revolution and the height of the British Empire.

9 D.Reforms in Russia. 1.Czar Alexander II – issued an emancipation and freed the serfs in 1861. Although the serfs were now free to own property and marry who they wanted, they realized they did not have enough good land to support themselves, leading to starvation and many of the old ways of farming.

10 E.Italian Unification (1859-1870). 1.Giuseppe Garibaldi – Italian patriot (red shirts) led independence. 2.1861, new kingdom of Italy under King Victor Emmanuel II. Garibaldi led the Red Shirts, captured Sicily, then marched north. Victor Emmanuel II’s National Monument in Rome, Italy.

11 Italy and Camillo di Cavour Prime Minister of Italy. Prime Minister of Italy. Diplomatic statesman to expand Italian power. Diplomatic statesman to expand Italian power. Ally of France. Ally of France. Provoked a war with Austria. Provoked a war with Austria. As he won battles in the north, he helped Garibaldi in the south. As he won battles in the north, he helped Garibaldi in the south. Garibaldi and Cavour making Italy in an 1861 cartoon.

12 Italian nationalists focused their hopes for independence on Piedmont.

13 F.German Unification (1866-1871). 1.Otto von Bismarck – Prime Minister of Prussia. a)Militarism – reliance on armed force. b)Planned 3 wars. c)Realpolitik – politics of reality. d)Unified the 38 Germanic states. “The great questions of the day are decided …by blood and iron.” - Otto von Bismarck

14 G.Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). 1.Bismarck tricked France into declaring war on Prussia. 2. Prussia won Alsace & Lorraine; 5 billion francs. The Ems Dispatch from Bismarck misled the public about the conversation between William I and the French Ambassador, leading to war.  New military tactic used by Prussians: ‘Encirclement’ instead of linear fighting.

15 Prussia was an authoritarian and militaristic state.

16 In the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, William I is proclaimed Kaiser of the Second German Reich (the medieval Holy Roman Empire was first) as Bismarck watches, 1871. The Proclamation of the German Empire, by Anton von Werner (1885)

17 ACTIVITY On a separate sheet of paper, write a paragraph (5 complete sentences) on whether a country should start a war if they know they will win. Consider what Prussia gained by fighting France (Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871).

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